those aint bad at all but ive posted a better set in the past.
These are a steal of a deal right now till Feb.8th.
I myself have them and they are the Best! I would gladly pay full price if i had too for them. You folks looking to get serious about a team you need to be able to hear Everything... You will if these are on your head ! - steelseries 5H V2 3.5mm Circumaural Gaming Headset
Carry your last name, Don't let it carry you !
i think that the G35 is a better head set then your...Kk&.<
G35 Surround Sound Headset
[COLOR="Magenta"]6:32 PM - V A N E S S A: umm i have to go to the store in alittle when i come back i'll go on
6:32 PM - V A N E S S A: since i misss YOHHHH SOOO MUCHH![/COLOR]
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="n00bunlimited TeamSpeak Viewer" title="n00bunlimited TeamSpeak Viewer" border="0" /></a>
grazi. i might get these as a b-day present to myself... :P anyone know some other good headsets? sio, you mentioned you posted some earlier?
Anyone "not" a fan of the full over ear headsets? I personally like my sound blasting from my speakers and use an around the ear clip headset. I just always got annoyed by having a giant headset on playing for hours. Point is, any suggestions for a "pro" type headset that I described?
I have a light 'Logitech' headset and my hearing in game is amazing. Not to mention it was like 20 bucks.
Just saying,
Hey All I'm NoogyMan! You Only Wish You Were Me, But That's Understandable.....Alpha Phi Omega"National Service Fraternity"Pi Omicron ChapterBrother Name : Mister Deeds
I'm going to do nothing about that... because you'd just make another and another and I'd get tired, bitch and complain some more than nothing else will happen. So SHUT UP.
No seriously though, It may not be the best headset in the world BUT it is cheap and I can hear a ton with it. I can mute my sound and mic with a contol on the wire, SO i don't have to change my settings everynow and then. BUT by all means if you can afford an amazing 200$ headset go for it.
Hey All I'm NoogyMan! You Only Wish You Were Me, But That's Understandable.....Alpha Phi Omega"National Service Fraternity"Pi Omicron ChapterBrother Name : Mister Deeds
i've got a logitech as well. over the ear, light, usb connection. $40. works well and i can hear almost everything. but you never know what deals you can find.
I've got these. CES 2009: Psyko Audio Labs: 5.1 Gaming Headphones - Psyko Gaming Headphones - Legit Reviews
They aren't bad, not the best, but not bad, and I used a 100$ off promo code, so yeah...
[color=indigo]"One death is a tragedy, a million is just a statistic." [/color]
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