? Workshop now available for Left 4 Dead 2.
? Added Workshop Manager upload tool to Left 4 Dead 2 Authoring Tools.
? Add-ons screen now supports browsing the workshop and subscribing to workshop content.
? Moved add-on menu option to main menu
? Added the ability to filter add-on content by tags.
? Fixed scoreboard not showing the campaign name for custom campaigns.
? Fixed "Rescue" label not drawing correctly in the scoreboard for campaigns with more than five maps.
? Cleaned up DLC add-on file dependencies and simplified talker file structure - the manifest has changed.
? Fixed an issue where some L4D1 vocalizations that were also present in L4D2 weren't firing.
? Fixed transition dialog in L4D1 campaigns.
? Various fixes for character dialog including conversations, weapon spotting, defibs, and other misc audio.
? Added data on L4D1 characters so corresponding Talker rules would work (ie Elevator Speech in No Mercy)
