View Poll Results: Keep or Remove !propmenu from zombiemod

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  • Remove

    8 44,44%
  • Keep

    10 55,56%
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Thread: keep or remove propmenu

  1. #1

    Default keep or remove propmenu

    i am tired of propmenu, barrel rolls, stacking towers, people bitching about stupid shit, just remove propmenu and make the setting so you can ninja stuff again, make it how it used to be when Tara was around, all the settings have been changed so much, just revert them back to when it was fun, and harder to do things!

    i dont mind the skins, i just hate propmenu

  2. #2
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    I thought u were one of the filer team members. D:
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

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    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  3. #3


    i do use propmenu, but i hate it excessively, everyone uses it, you cant have a normal, stand on a box and make a attempt to hold off, anymore, its just plain lame, instead of using teamwork everyone just uses propmenu instead of helping each other boost, no spots are fun anymore, and people can just spawn shit in a vent and be like, ooo im not vent camping cause im not shooting, or stack to a place that never should be able to get to... its ruined the fun of ZM!! !weapons menu is fine cause if someone spawns late they dont get a gun that helps

  4. #4


    i say get rid of propmenu so noobs wont make you get stuck and piss u off. also u wont get pissed if someone breaks ur props

  5. #5
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Spawning shit in vents is illegal and counts as venting.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  6. #6


    that doesnt stop people from doing it, and theres almost no admins on at night or early in the morning, i also hate dickheads who break a tower when u try to stack up from behind someone cause its their friend happens alot

  7. #7
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    Default Re: keep or remove propmenu

    Quote Originally Posted by JuuJuu
    i dont mind the skins, i just hate propmenu
    Juu Juu and I discussed this a lot last night on Steam, and Juu Juu, or anyone supporting to get rid of it, I mean no disrespect by my comments, and please don't take any of them the wrong way. I'm trying to look at this from a logical point of view, and I will address both sides' needs.

    Anyway, to begin, I myself am somewhat biased to this specific quarry, because I never played during the times when propmenu didn't exist, and therefore, I don't know what it was like. I will say however, than in my opinion, I do not support getting rid of it.

    Right now, Juu Juu's arguments are somewhat trifling, and in order to really convince me, he's going to need to provide stronger evidence. The things Juu Juu has posted are just minor problems with propmenu, and they deal with annoyances, which don't count much. Sure, you can whine and complain all you wish about how the idiot knocked down your tower, but in the end, it's still just a game, and nobody actually cares. I myself do get frustrated when that happens, but when an admin is on, they kick them, and I go on my merry way, and if an admin is not on, I create a new personal vendetta.

    My point is, Juu Juu, that it just looks like whining to me. I do think, however, that some changes could be made to propmenu. For example, there's a few useless props in it, but the only one I can seem to think of at the moment is the bed frame. I have honestly never used it, and I probably never will.

    I think propmenu just needs a few upgrades. I think that if you're crouching, you shouldn't be able to spawn props, because that just makes the spot invincible. Also, I think that if should check if your head is touching a ceiling, and if it is, you can't spawn anything anyway. The first response from some people for this suggestion is going to be something like: "Well, 1, you can't check stuff like that, and 2, that's retarded." Yea, you can check for things like that, and just because nobody's used it up to this point doesn't mean it's not there. Secondly, it's not retarded, it's fair.

    I however do agree with most of Juu Juu's points, but I still wont take his side until he provides extremely strong points, and really convinces me to. I do get annoyed often in-game, but it's not something I'm proud of. When it comes to an FPS, patience is far and few between.

    I just think, instead of jumping to these huge conclusions of "We just need to get rid of it," are a little childish, and almost selfish. I really dont mind if we change it though, because it wont ever bother me what we do, I'll always play in this server for the people.

    I'm always up for a little healthy change, and if the admins feel they want to take the propmenu off for a few days, then have at it guys. I have no power there, and I don't know if I would want to anyway. if, after a few days of trial and error, people like it, then go for it. If not, I say leave it up to the vote, because that seems to be the most fair way of looking at it.

    Geesh, that was a bit long, sorry. If you're WAY too lazy to read all of it, here's the TL;DR.

    TL;DR (Too long; didn't read) ->

    I don't think we should just jump to conclusions, and get rid of propmenu entirely. Read the whole post for details.

    Those are my views, and I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Good luck to the lot of you, and Juu Juu, if you find some better points, I'd be happy to side with you. Again, none of this is personal at all, it's how I'm looking at it now.


  8. #8
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    ok my personal oppition

    fist i have to side with nat and bandit on this one cause i like the propmenu and i'm not bias cause i played long before prop menu came about an i think it adds a new dimension to the game and yes it is annoying when someone breaks your cade or knocks your tower down but thats part of the game and gives admins something ta do and yes u can get it spots that are harder to reach but it adds to the game and makes maps that where dull fun now

    but like bandit said it could use a little over haul like
    #1. taking off the bedframe and maybe the fridge cause both are seldom used
    #2. fix the vending machine cause it normaly spawns on top of you and is VERY hard ta move or maybe replace with another one thats easier to use bandit metioned fix where props don't spawn cause they won't fit or whatever the reason and fix where i charges you when they don't spawn maybe instead like a error msg of some kind
    #4.maybe add couch or boxes or wire spool to replace the 2 above mentioned amoug other items

    ONLY FLAWS I SEE WITH IT but i say keep prop menu just do some minor tweaking


  9. #9


    My point is, Juu Juu, that it just looks like whining to me.
    i am a whiner!!! another thing to fix is in the mornings it bans anyone who trys to join, not sure if its propmenu just something i noticed this mornin, My biggest pep peave is that if you go into a room with stuff, if you just mass 8 filing cabinets, you can potentially lock em, impossible to move and impossible to unlock till next round

    lets say ur trying to get a guy on a building, you try stacking up on the opposite side, only to have his friend zombie run into and break it, and bandit, i have never seen a admin remove someone for doing that, even after multiple occasions

    changing propmenu to get rid of some items would be nice, i agree that bed frame is terrible and i think that the vending machine should be the moonlight 1 that is ezily movable, sofa and spool would be a cool addition

    Vent campers just mass stuff on both sides of them (filing cabinets) and because it doesnt fit in the area it just gets locked in place, unable to be moved, and its rediculous cause the moment a admin comes on they stop doing it so its hard to catch em in the act

    we also need some old maps, but those old maps would have like 1 spot that would be good b/c of the propmenu tower stacks would destroy them

    i also dislike how people can stack onto a tower that requires like 8 filing cabinets, and then when they see someone stacking, they shoot the whole thing down, theres only 1 way up, stacking, so either make a rule where they cant shoot filing stacks down or just edit the maps you download and put invis walls everywhere

  10. #10
    Server Admin Trained Monkey
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    I have to agree with everyone on this...propmenu is good sometimes, but it does make the game a lot easier, well for me it does idk how many i've gotten with propmenu.
    But it is still a good thing to have if people have blocked a way to a high tower or something, and the only way to get up there is with propmenu then it is good.

    To be honest i think we should keep them, but perhaps lower the credits a little?

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