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Thread: Updated ZM Rules w/ Descriptions (5/31/10)

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Updated ZM Rules w/ Descriptions (5/31/10)

    No Barricade Breaking!!
    - This includes moving part of a barricade to join a person in their spot.

    No Excessive Prop Stacking
    - Stacking props to unreachable places will get you slapped, burned, and/or kicked only 3 prop or less to a spot. That also clued not to glich out of the maps and getting on roofs for some maps!

    Hacking = Perm BAN
    - There is NO tolerance for hacking of any kind ever!

    Respect All Admins
    - They pay for the server you are enjoying.

    Don't Bash On Newbs!!
    - This is N00b Unlimited after all! =D

    Gay Porn, Tranny Porn, and Child Porn = BAN

    English Only On The Microphone
    - If you do not speak English, please refrain from using your microphone.

    No Tubing//Venting
    - If a zombie has to crouch to get in you will get burn, slap, or kicked like air vents or tubes, but some crouch spots are acceptable, just ask an admin for help.

    Zombies who do not do their job WILL be kicked!
    - This includes suicide, playing with vehicles, playing with built-in weapons (Flak Cannon), purposefully allowing yourself to be killed, purposely not killing humans, etc. [Vehicles and weapons are allowed if they are used to get to humans. Ex: Vehicles used on escape maps]

    Don't Spam The Mics
    - Keep the microphone chatter down to a minimum. Spamming of music, sound clips, etc. will NOT be tolerated and will be kick or banned.

    Do Not Spam Other Websites or Server IP's
    - This is a very serious rule and you will get permanently banned!!

    Sexism = BAN
    - Do not make and sexist comment or jokes and will NOT be tolerated in this community.

    Racism = BAN
    - Do not make and racist comment or jokes and will NOT be tolerated in this community.

    Harassments = BAN
    - Do not talk about hacking, hurting, or killing people over the server!

    Dont Give Away Secrets!
    - Do not ghost people just to fine out a secret neither=kick/ban!

    No Teamkilling
    - Please do not harm your teammates as they can help you win.

    No Blocking
    - Do not block people way if there trying to go to a spot.

    No Pingmasking
    - Do not ping mask to stay in the game.

    No Glitching Elevators/Lifts
    - Do not glich under or over the elevators/lifts because that is illegal.

    No Excessive Weaponspawning
    - Please do not spawn to much weapon to glitch your props because that will lag the server, only spawn the weapons you need.

    No Spamming in Chat box!
    - That include !zspawn, !weapons, chat commands, etc. (Maybe gagged, kick, or ban!)

    No Zombie Suiciding
    - Zombie can not suicide for any reason, meaning do not let human kill you for free or begging them to kill you or just doing some random thing killing yourself to be human again. (Can be kick, burn, or ban if needed)

    - Note that no one can go into spectate to be escape death or being turn into a zombie or ghost people. (Can be kick or ban!)

    - Do not go into spectate and come back in game for free credits or suicide for credits! (Maybe kick or ban!)

    Avoiding Punishments
    - Do not leave and rejoin the server to avoid punishment! (We will know and you will Ban!)

    Admins Have Final Say!!
    - If you want to dispute something, do it in the forums, but what is decided in game by an admin goes... so shut the fuck up!!

    Admins have the right to deem a hard to reach place illegal. Do not argue with an admin about their decisions or you may be gagged, muted kick, or banned.
    - If you have questions, please contact a Jr. Owner or Owner.

    ** UPDATED 5-31-2010 **
    Last edited by DoT; 05-31-2010 at 08:53 PM. Reason: Update

  2. #2


    Does killing afks over and over again count as bashing on noobs?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    No, bashing refers more verbally than just pwning them :P Just don't harass them for being a noob. However, let an admin know if there is an AFK so that they can be kicked.

  4. #4
    Emmisary of C'thulhu Trailor Trash
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    A repeated problem with the rules seems to be occurring, and that problem is that None of the Admins or anyone for that matter can make up their minds about which rules are rules. We need to come to an understanding. I think the admins should do a debate on the current rules to find which ones are solid. We need a list of Rules that doesn't alter. Take in mind that all rules we currently have are unclear and full of petition. Some examples are:

    One admin says knocking down a Zombie's props is illegal, another one says that if you see zombie props, you should shoot them to save yourself.

    There is also the case of the Camping in ridiculously high or out of reach places. We all know it's illegal, but there are some unclear things concerning the context of said rule. Some players tell me that an admin told them 2 props high was fine, another says four, They can't seem to remember the admin's name, so I don't know if they are telling me tall tales because I'm gullible or they are playing the telephone game amongst themselves.

    Also whatever happened to the rule of use of an explosive barrel only when 80% of an entrance is blocked. And not using it just as a way to stat pad off a massive combo. Sure it looks cool when you get five unsuspecting people killed, but I've seen it used on some top notch players with no barricade at all. This gets them angry then they start wrecking the barricade of whoever blew up their assured victory plan, which causes a feud and results in kicking of both parties normally.

    Also, the kicking of Foreigners just because they are foreign has to stop. We have a translator/admin, where the hell is the set of rules for them? They cannot read english and it's not their fault. If you can read korean, then and only then can you tell me it's their fault. They are guests on the server. They know about as much or less than our frequent 9yr olds. Have Hatsune write down our rules in korean and then have them placed alongside ours in the !rules.

    Just really confused on what to tell people.
    [color=indigo]"One death is a tragedy, a million is just a statistic." [/color]

  5. #5
    Kung Fu Master
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    u shouldnt care that much about the koreans cause if u tell them to shush most of of them say fuck you or shut up or something like that. some of them are just spamming the mic in korean or spam gamechat with affirmative and shit. i dont kick all of them just those guys who are afk or doing shit.
    and i agree with u about that rule thing. ive played a few min with vit yesterday. and it rly looks like some rules depend on what admin is playing. its just confusing. some regs come to me when im playing and said admin X/Y said some shit is illegal. they cant remember the adminname but this admin said that something was illegal.
    my prob is that theres nothing on the forums about a rulechange and that they cant remember the admins name so i could talk to him.
    itd be cool if every admin follows the same rules so ppl dont get confused.



  6. #6


    No Excessive Prop Stacking
    - Stacking props to unreachable places will get you slapped, burned, and/or kicked. *NEW RULE*

    does that mean more than 2 props? 1 prop should be legal because its like a teammates head, 2 props is like using 2 teammates heads which is not possible because it just slides u off

  7. #7
    Kung Fu Master
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    You forgot newly known dot ^^
    [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]N/U Retiree[/B]

    8:45 PM - V A N E S S A: give me a sex
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  8. #8
    Sexiest Motha Fucka Alive N/U Commando
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cancer View Post
    Also, the kicking of Foreigners just because they are foreign has to stop. We have a translator/admin, where the hell is the set of rules for them? They cannot read english and it's not their fault. If you can read korean, then and only then can you tell me it's their fault. They are guests on the server. They know about as much or less than our frequent 9yr olds. Have Hatsune write down our rules in korean and then have them placed alongside ours in the !rules.

    This Korean guy doesnt do shit. He says nothing. Types nothing. Just plays. No benefit. I've seen this myself.
    DD [r] иα∂ιαٿ: and your pretty damn hot...just saying


  9. #9
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    - MotD doesn't work unless Sios fixed it recently (So no point in writing Korean rules...)
    - Random you and Vit need to agree on the prop stacking shit. You say it's illegal, but every time he comes in the server he's all like "It's okay to get to really high spots." This needs to be settled between you to so that we know when to lay down the law.
    - Hatsune gave me translations for kick and ban reasons but they broke the admin menu. I'm trying to work this out but it might not be possible.
    Last edited by Natalya; 01-21-2009 at 03:21 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  10. #10


    well, is there anyway the steam_id can be located on the first map when you first join ZM? cause i usually sit on my ass doing nothing cause theres no point doing anything because it never gets added to rank, and this way we can see other people who join if you want to find a anoying person steam_id ect

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