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Thread: madscotsmans issues with ZM??

  1. #1
    LIQUOR AND WHORES!!!! Pwnerator
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    Default madscotsmans issues with ZM??

    MadScotsman: Man I am So PISSED OFF AT THE ADMINS FOR ZM
    MadScotsman: EVEN YOU
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: for what?
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: did i not help you
    MadScotsman: No
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i didnt want to hear u screaming into ur mic
    MadScotsman: THEY DO NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: turn ur caps off
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i cant understand you when your screaming into ur mic
    MadScotsman: my caps is not on
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i told u to type
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: it was too fucking on
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: you need to calm down
    MadScotsman: Ok well explaine this to me
    MadScotsman: THEY DO NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: thats caps lock
    MadScotsman: nah i hold shift
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: then stop
    MadScotsman: SEE
    MadScotsman: explaine this
    MadScotsman: why did i get kicked and banned for 3 days by sajora for cadebreaking once
    MadScotsman: yet someone does it alot of times and get nothing done to him
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: lol cause u cadebreaked with a jr owner on the server
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: and you have to understand
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: when you are screaming into ur mic
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i cant understamnd a word you are saying
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i asked you to type
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: finaly sacabu typed it out
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: and i kicked the guy
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: you need to watch the chatbox
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: and honestly

    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: you drive me mental when u talk
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: cause u scream into ur mic
    MadScotsman: sorry
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i have started muting you
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i joined and there were poeple in crouch spots and cadebreeaking
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i took care of them as fast as i could
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: but when im the only admin on, and i cant even understand you
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: you need to be patient
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i took care of the issue
    MadScotsman: see yet on a regular day you would do nothing
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: and its resolved
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: lol?
    MadScotsman: they play you and get away with it
    MadScotsman: its fucking not right
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: lol what are you talking about
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: your mad dude
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i kick these kids all the time
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: for doing tbhis shit
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: stop crying and being a victing
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: victim*
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: the issue is resolved
    MadScotsman: Hmm yesterday there was 3 admins on and others were kade breaking and shit and they never did shit
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: that sucks
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i wasnt on
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: coulda messaged me
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i dont believe you
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: 3 admins and none did anything
    MadScotsman: you were offline
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: ill ask them
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: give me names
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: who were they
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: johnny
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: sean?

    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: android?
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: dranksta
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: mclovin?
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: natalya
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: who?
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: ill ask them
    MadScotsman: I think it was sean jonny and
    MadScotsman: i forget
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: k
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: what time?
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: what map?
    MadScotsman: 2 nites ago i think it was
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: u just said it was last night?
    MadScotsman: approx 11PM
    MadScotsman: no error/typo
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: mmk?
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: even still
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: you know me
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i take care of the issues
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: and esp when ur on
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: cause you are very talkative
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: and let me know
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: aned u KNOW im right
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: so....
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: with this said
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: im sorry
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: you had a bad experience today
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i did my best to resolve the issue
    MadScotsman: I just want admins to do better jobs
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: and i hope u continue to play here
    MadScotsman: hold on
    MadScotsman: brb
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: we do what we can

    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: lol and as far as the cadebreaker soon as i muted you and i could hear everone talk i found out who it was that needed to be kicked
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: ill be sure to post this conversation in the forums for the admins and jr owners too see
    MadScotsman: why?
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: well its clear you have issues with all admins
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: they need to know
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: and so do the jr owners
    MadScotsman: not all admins
    MadScotsman: Dranksta is cool
    MadScotsman: and
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: MadScotsman: Man I am So PISSED OFF AT THE ADMINS FOR ZM
    MadScotsman: EVEN YOU
    MadScotsman: McLuvin and dranksta are cool
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: ill be sure to post this then in the ZM forum
    MadScotsman: and sometimes you
    MadScotsman: i said that cuz i was mad
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: well its a game
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: you need to calm down
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: and dont yell into ur mic
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: or u will hate me cause i will start kickign u for it cause i dont want to hear u screaming on the server
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: sajora already banned you with a reason "take a few days and calm down"
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: your a good player
    MadScotsman: that was BS
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: and can be fun to play with
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: i can deal with you issues with me
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: but ill make sure i post this so EVERYONE ELSE can see
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: and the issues get resolved
    MadScotsman: listen i don't want anyone demodded i just want admins to do better jobs
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: well....MADSCOTSMAN!!!! I WILL SAY THIS ONEMORE TIME AND THEN IM DONE TALKING TOO YOU!!! when there is one admin on trying to kick crouch spots and cadebreakers and hear complaints when they first join the server, we dont want to hear some kid yelling into his mic.....get it, funny thing is as soon as i muted you i took care of every issue and the server is now great !!!! have a good night , eat you wheaties and do ur homeword !!
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: homework*

  2. #2
    Kung Fu Master
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    Ok so this quoted my favorite parts of this convo!!

    We will deal with complaints and we listen to constructive critisam but if you want things to change or you see something wrong you need to pay attention to facts.

    We can not act off comments like "I think it was this person". To me it just sounds like you have something personal against these admins.

    I usually don't comment on Zombie issues but reading this conversation kinda hit home for me.

    Thank you ArmyRanger for taking the time to talking to this guy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vanishedsoul View Post
    MadScotsman: Man I am So PISSED OFF AT THE ADMINS FOR ZM
    MadScotsman: EVEN YOU [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: who?
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: ill ask them
    MadScotsman: I think it was sean jonny and
    MadScotsman: i forget
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: k
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: what time?
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: what map?
    MadScotsman: 2 nites ago i think it was
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: u just said it was last night?
    MadScotsman: approx 11PM
    MadScotsman: no error/typo
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: mmk?
    MadScotsman: listen i don't want anyone demodded i just want admins to do better jobs
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: well....MADSCOTSMAN!!!! I WILL SAY THIS ONEMORE TIME AND THEN IM DONE TALKING TOO YOU!!! when there is one admin on trying to kick crouch spots and cadebreakers and hear complaints when they first join the server, we dont want to hear some kid yelling into his mic.....get it, funny thing is as soon as i muted you i took care of every issue and the server is now great !!!! have a good night , eat you wheaties and do ur homeword !!
    [A.R.K]ArmyRanger: homework*
    Last edited by Jackd; 10-18-2009 at 10:59 AM.


    [center][COLOR="Red"]|Ň/Ú| siosios: thise 2 cab cgat at ne wgeb u waje yo ub ub the morning im too drunk right noiw[/COLOR][/center]

  3. #3
    t3h camper Trained Monkey
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    Im not gonna lie i have had problems with admins in the past in zm. The few times i can remember zaku was on and there were 4 ppl in crouch spots and 1 cade breaking and he did jack shit about it for around 2-3 straight maps and left before doing his job. The other problem was when yall spam the fucking music and sound ( as in play all songs at once ) and the server crashes. YOU KNOW IT CRASHES THE SERVER SO FUCKING CUT IT OUT!!!! other than that i have yet to see the problems that scottsman speaks of.
    Last edited by Cogbern; 10-18-2009 at 01:49 AM.

  4. #4
    Kung Fu Master
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    all i have to say is that scottsman is one of those guys who keep talking on the mic 24/7, commenting everything hes doing, complaining about everything and screaming when he gets killed. he cusses a lot and even when admins ask him to calm down and reduce the talking he will do it for a few minutes but starting again after a while. sometimes he cant even reduce the talking and cussing and keeps going. guess if an admin takes action on him the convo with army comes out then.

    ive never heard that the sounds crash the server. but other than that its annoying to hear all sounds. especially cause the zm sounds are like 2+ min long.
    zm admins stop spamming the damn sounds. if you want music to listen to for a while turn on ur own on your comp or in ur room. thank you.



  5. #5
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    Ummm this is kinda funny because when ever im on with him he would alway complain and whin in the mic about rule breakers then when i ask for the rule breakers name he would say i didnt see his name or i wish dranksta or army was on....... then when i spec him i dont see any rule breakers form my point of view but from what know is that this dude is really annoying!
    not trying to mean or anything but just telling the truth
    [COLOR="Magenta"]6:32 PM - V A N E S S A: umm i have to go to the store in alittle when i come back i'll go on
    6:32 PM - V A N E S S A: since i misss YOHHHH SOOO MUCHH![/COLOR]
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  6. #6
    N/U Jr. Owner N/U Marine
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    I've told him multiple times that we do the best we can and can't always get the rule breakers, especially when we're the only ones on. He needs to learn and understand that and stop complaining about "admins not doing their jobs" cause that's bullshit and I always do my job.

  7. #7
    LIQUOR AND WHORES!!!! Pwnerator
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    i think the flatout fact is zm is the most populated server on NU, with the most young and immature players, so naturaly we are going to have alot more offenders and people to remind of the rules, i understand the frustration towards the regs and all that but we can only be on certain times of day to deal with these issues, what mad is complaining of is just bowl, every zm admin does their job on kicking these people that do stuff wrong...part of your responsibility as a player is pointing out the offenders to us so we can take actions against them we . we can not spec everyone on the map at the same time please make sure you pay attention to the chatbox. cause if i cant hear u talking due to yelling into the mic you sure wont be able to hear me, so watch the chatbox

  8. #8
    Trailor Trash
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sajora View Post
    all i have to say is that scottsman is one of those guys who keep talking on the mic 24/7, commenting everything hes doing, complaining about everything and screaming when he gets killed. he cusses a lot and even when admins ask him to calm down and reduce the talking he will do it for a few minutes but starting again after a while. sometimes he cant even reduce the talking and cussing and keeps going. guess if an admin takes action on him the convo with army comes out then.
    Yeah, he whines a lot. He does need to understand though that admins can't take a players word on it, especially when they are unsure about who did it.

  9. #9
    Kung Fu Master
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    I'm closing this thread.

    I don't want this to turn into a bitch session about Madscotsman or any ZM admins.

    @ Madscotsman - if you have any issues with ZM admins then please bring them up privately on steam with Army or the ZM Jr. Owner Sajora.



    [center][COLOR="Red"]|Ň/Ú| siosios: thise 2 cab cgat at ne wgeb u waje yo ub ub the morning im too drunk right noiw[/COLOR][/center]

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