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Thread: Fixed Problems requesting something!

  1. #1

    Default Fixed Problems requesting something!


    Okay so somehow I ironed out all the problems. But I would like to request your KAC sourcecode and KAC .smx file so that I can try it and see if it will stop the exploit like it does so well on your guys servers.

    I would really really really appreciate this as I am constantly under attack now =/

    Perhaps we could even do some testing on mine/your server with certain exploits I know of.


  2. #2
    g0d! Contributing Member siosios's Avatar
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    this is the version im using, it is the stripped version posted in the KAC plugin thread.

    notice in the code below it has:

    // Exploit
    RegConsoleCmd("changelevel", BlockExploit);

    #pragma semicolon 1
    #include <sourcemod>
    // Defined Native here rather than including the larger IRC include.
    native IRC_PrivMsg(const String:destination[], const String:message[], any:...);
    #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.1.7"
    #define MAX_HACKCVAR 33 // !!!!!!! If you add mat_dxlevel back make sure you change this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    #define MAX_WEAPONS 24
    // Connection States
    #define CS_NOTCONN 0
    #define CS_CONNING 1
    #define CS_AUTHED 2
    #define CS_VALIDATED 3
    #define CS_BOT 4
    #define CS_BANNING 5
    // Action Types
    #define ACTION_BAN 0
    #define ACTION_KICK 1
    #define ACTION_WARN 2 // Not implemented.
    #define ACTION_NOTHING 3
    // Compare Types
    #define COMP_EQUAL 0
    #define COMP_LESS 1
    #define COMP_GREATER 2
    new const String:g_CompareString[3][] = { "equal to", "less than or equal to", "greater than or equal to" };
    // Booleans
    new bool:Enabled = true;
    new bool:Locked = false;
    new ConnState[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {CS_NOTCONN, ...};
    // CVAR Handles
    new Handle:CVar_BlockNameCopy = INVALID_HANDLE;
    new Handle:CVar_Cheats = INVALID_HANDLE;
    new Handle:CVar_BlockMultiByte = INVALID_HANDLE;
    new Handle:CVar_Enable = INVALID_HANDLE;
    // Timer handles.
    new Handle:PTimer[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {INVALID_HANDLE, ...};
    // Reason Strings
    new String:g_Reason[MAXPLAYERS+1][512];
    new String:g_Reason2[MAXPLAYERS+1][512];
    // Arrays
    new Handle:CacheAuthArray = INVALID_HANDLE;
    new Handle:CacheReasonArray = INVALID_HANDLE;
    /* Cvars to protect
    * If you wish to add more CVars then please make sure they are replicated properly on normal clients
    * and that you add at the end of this list and add the proper value for that CVar at the end of 
    * g_HackCVarValues. You will also need to add one to MAX_HACKCVAR.
    new String:g_HackCVars[][] = {
    "cl_clock_correction", // 15 0
    "cl_leveloverview", // 9 1
    "cl_overdraw_test", // 2
    "cl_particles_show_bbox", // 11 3
    "cl_phys_timescale", // 4
    "cl_showevents", // 5
    "fog_enable", // 7 6
    "host_timescale", // 2 7
    "mat_fillrate", // 8 8
    "mat_proxy", // 5 9
    "mat_wireframe", // 10
    "mem_force_flush", // 10 11
    "snd_show", // 17 12
    "snd_visualize", // 18 13
    "sv_cheats", // 0 14
    "sv_consistency", // 3 15
    "sv_gravity", // 1 16
    "r_aspectratio", // 14 17
    "r_colorstaticprops", // 19 18
    "r_DispWalkable", // 20 19
    "r_DrawBeams", // 21 20
    "r_drawbrushmodels", // 22 21
    "r_drawclipbrushes", // 23 22
    "r_drawdecals", // 24 23
    "r_drawentities", // 24
    "r_drawopaqueworld", // 25
    "r_drawothermodels", // 16 26
    "r_drawparticles", // 4 27
    "r_drawrenderboxes", // 12 28
    "r_drawtranslucentworld", // 29
    "r_shadowwireframe", // 6 30
    "r_skybox", // 31
    "r_visocclusion", // 32
    "vcollide_wireframe" // 13 33
    // "cl_bobcycle" // 34
    // "mat_dxlevel" // 35
    new Float:g_HackCVarValues[] = {
    1.0, // cl_clock_correction 15 0
    0.0, // cl_leveloverview 9 1
    0.0, // cl_overdraw_test 2
    0.0, // cl_particles_show_bbox 11 3
    1.0, // cl_phys_timescale 4
    0.0, // cl_showevents 5
    1.0, // fog_enable 7 6
    1.0, // host_timescale 2 7
    0.0, // mat_fillrate 8 8
    0.0, // mat_proxy 5 9
    0.0, // mat_wireframe 10
    0.0, // mem_force_flush 10 11
    0.0, // snd_show 17 12
    0.0, // snd_visualize 18 13
    0.0, // sv_cheats 0 14
    1.0, // sv_consistency 3 15
    800.0, // sv_gravity 1 16
    0.0, // r_aspectratio 14 17
    0.0, // r_colorstaticprops 19 18
    0.0, // r_DispWalkable 20 19
    1.0, // r_DrawBeams 21 20
    1.0, // r_drawbrushmodels 22 21
    0.0, // r_drawclipbrushes 23 22
    1.0, // r_drawdecals 24 23
    1.0, // r_drawentities 24
    1.0, // r_drawopaqueworld 25
    1.0, // r_drawothermodels 16 26
    1.0, // r_drawparticles 4 27
    0.0, // r_drawrenderboxes 12 28
    1.0, // r_drawtranslucentworld 29
    0.0, // r_shadowwireframe 6 30
    1.0, // r_skybox 31
    0.0, // r_visocclusion 32
    0.0 // vcollide_wireframe 13 33
    // 0.8 // cl_bobcycle 34
    // 80.0 // mat_dxlevel 35
    new g_HackCVarsComp[] = {
    COMP_EQUAL, // cl_clock_correction 15 0
    COMP_EQUAL, // cl_leveloverview 9 1
    COMP_EQUAL, // cl_overdraw_test 2
    COMP_EQUAL, // cl_particles_show_bbox 11 3
    COMP_EQUAL, // cl_phys_timescale 4
    COMP_EQUAL, // cl_showevents 5
    COMP_EQUAL, // fog_enable 7 6
    COMP_EQUAL, // host_timescale 2 7
    COMP_EQUAL, // mat_fillrate 8 8
    COMP_EQUAL, // mat_proxy 5 9
    COMP_EQUAL, // mat_wireframe 10
    COMP_EQUAL, // mem_force_flush 10 11
    COMP_EQUAL, // snd_show 17 12
    COMP_EQUAL, // snd_visualize 18 13
    COMP_EQUAL, // sv_cheats 0 14
    COMP_EQUAL, // sv_consistency 3 15
    COMP_EQUAL, // sv_gravity 1 16
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_aspectratio 14 17
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_colorstaticprops 19 18
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_DispWalkable 20 19
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_DrawBeams 21 20
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_drawbrushmodels 22 21
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_drawclipbrushes 23 22
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_drawdecals 24 23
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_drawentities 24
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_drawopaqueworld 25
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_drawothermodels 16 26
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_drawparticles 4 27
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_drawrenderboxes 12 28
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_drawtranslucentworld 29
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_shadowwireframe 6 30
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_skybox 31
    COMP_EQUAL, // r_visocclusion 32
    COMP_EQUAL // vcollide_wireframe 13 33
    // COMP_EQUAL // cl_bobcycle 34
    // COMP_GREATER // mat_dxlevel 35
    new g_HackCVarsAction[] = {
    ACTION_BAN, // cl_clock_correction 15 0
    ACTION_BAN, // cl_leveloverview 9 1
    ACTION_BAN, // cl_overdraw_test 2
    ACTION_BAN, // cl_particles_show_bbox 11 3
    ACTION_BAN, // cl_phys_timescale 4
    ACTION_BAN, // cl_showevents 5
    ACTION_BAN, // fog_enable 7 6
    ACTION_BAN, // host_timescale 2 7
    ACTION_BAN, // mat_fillrate 8 8
    ACTION_BAN, // mat_proxy 5 9
    ACTION_BAN, // mat_wireframe 10
    ACTION_BAN, // mem_force_flush 10 11
    ACTION_BAN, // snd_show 17 12
    ACTION_BAN, // snd_visualize 18 13
    ACTION_BAN, // sv_cheats 0 14
    ACTION_BAN, // sv_consistency 3 15
    ACTION_BAN, // sv_gravity 1 16
    ACTION_KICK, // r_aspectratio 14 17
    ACTION_BAN, // r_colorstaticprops 19 18
    ACTION_BAN, // r_DispWalkable 20 19
    ACTION_BAN, // r_DrawBeams 21 20
    ACTION_BAN, // r_drawbrushmodels 22 21
    ACTION_BAN, // r_drawclipbrushes 23 22
    ACTION_BAN, // r_drawdecals 24 23
    ACTION_BAN, // r_drawentities 24
    ACTION_BAN, // r_drawopaqueworld 25
    ACTION_BAN, // r_drawothermodels 16 26
    ACTION_BAN, // r_drawparticles 4 27
    ACTION_BAN, // r_drawrenderboxes 12 28
    ACTION_BAN, // r_drawtranslucentworld 29
    ACTION_BAN, // r_shadowwireframe 6 30
    ACTION_BAN, // r_skybox 31
    ACTION_BAN, // r_visocclusion 32
    ACTION_BAN // vcollide_wireframe 13 33
    // ACTION_KICK // cl_bobcycle 34
    // ACTION_KICK // mat_dxlevel 35
    new Handle:g_HackCVarHandles[MAX_HACKCVAR+1] = {INVALID_HANDLE, ...};
    new g_HackCheckOrder[MAX_HACKCVAR*2+2] = {0, ...};
    new CVarI[MAXPLAYERS+1];
    public Plugin:myinfo =
    name = "Kigen's Anti-Cheat", 
    author = "Kigen", 
    description = "The cheats stop here!", 
    version = PLUGIN_VERSION, 
    url = ""
    public OnPluginStart()
    decl Handle:cvar, String:name[64], bool:comm, flags, Handle:t_ConVar, String:t_String[256], bool:isRPG;
    isRPG = false;
    CacheAuthArray = CreateArray(64);
    CacheReasonArray = CreateArray(256);
    if ( !HookEventEx("player_changename", EventNameChange) )
    LogError("Unable to hook player_changename");
    CVar_BlockNameCopy = CreateConVar("kac_block_namecopy", "0", "Blocks name copying and short names (name < 3)");
    CVar_BlockMultiByte = CreateConVar("kac_block_multibyte_names", "0", "Blocks the usage of multibyte characters in a name.");
    CVar_Enable = CreateConVar("kac_enable", "1", "Enables/Disables KAC's cheat detection. (Does not affect other features.)");
    CVar_Cheats = FindConVar("sv_cheats");
    SetConVarInt(CVar_Cheats, 0, true);
    if ( CVar_BlockNameCopy == INVALID_HANDLE || CVar_BlockMultiByte == INVALID_HANDLE || CVar_Cheats == INVALID_HANDLE )
    SetFailState("Unable to create/hook needed convars.");
    // Hook sv_cheats if server is not RPG.
    t_ConVar = FindConVar("cssrpg_enable");
    if ( t_ConVar != INVALID_HANDLE )
    isRPG = true;
    HookConVarChange(CVar_Cheats, CheatsChange);
    HookConVarChange(CVar_Enable, EnableChange);
    // Hook replicated convars and cheat commands.
    cvar = FindFirstConCommand(name, sizeof(name), comm, flags);
    if (cvar == INVALID_HANDLE)
    SetFailState("Failed getting first command/convar.");
    if (!comm && (flags & FCVAR_REPLICATED) && ( !StrEqual(name, "sv_cheats") ) ) // RPG is funky.
    t_ConVar = FindConVar(name);
    if ( t_ConVar == INVALID_HANDLE ) // wtf protection
    GetConVarString(t_ConVar, t_String, sizeof(t_String));
    ReplicateConVar(t_ConVar, "", t_String); // Replicate it now for idoit protection.
    HookConVarChange(t_ConVar, ReplicateConVar);
    else if (comm && (flags & FCVAR_CHEAT) && !isRPG)
    RegConsoleCmd(name, BlockCheat);
    } while (FindNextConCommand(cvar, name, sizeof(name), comm, flags));
    // Exploit
    RegConsoleCmd("changelevel", BlockExploit);
    RegConsoleCmd("ent_fire", BlockExploit); // Exploit that cheaters can do.
    // Cheat
    RegConsoleCmd("snd_restart", BlockCheat);
    // Crash
    RegConsoleCmd("ai_test_los", BlockCrash);
    RegConsoleCmd("sv_benchmark_force_start", BlockCrash);
    RegConsoleCmd("sv_findsoundname", BlockCrash);
    RegConsoleCmd("sv_soundemitter_filecheck", BlockCrash);
    RegConsoleCmd("sv_soundemitter_flush", BlockCrash);
    RegConsoleCmd("sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo", BlockCrash);
    for(new i=0;i<MAX_HACKCVAR;i++)
    t_ConVar = FindConVar(g_HackCVars[i]);
    if ( t_ConVar != INVALID_HANDLE && (GetConVarFlags(t_ConVar) & FCVAR_REPLICATED) )
    g_HackCVarHandles[i] = t_ConVar;
    // Stuff for if we're late.
    for(new i=1;i<MaxClients;i++)
    if ( IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) )
    CVarI[i] = 0;
    PTimer[i] = CreateTimer(GetRandomFloat(10.5, 123.8), PeriodicTimer, i, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
    // SourceMod likes to crash the server if we don't kill all the timers before unload. - Kigen
    public OnPluginEnd()
    for(new i=1;i<MaxClients;i++)
    // This apparently gets called whenever the plugin is loaded.
    public OnMapStart()
    public OnMapEnd()
    for(new i=1;i<MaxClients;i++)
    CVarI[i] = 0;
    PTimer[i] = INVALID_HANDLE;
    public bool:OnClientConnect(client, String:rejectmsg[], maxlen)
    if ( IsFakeClient(client) )
    ConnState[client] = CS_BOT;
    return true;
    decl String:name[64], len;
    GetClientName(client, name, 64);
    len = strlen(name);
    if ( len <= 0 )
    strcopy(rejectmsg, maxlen, "Don't even think about it.");
    // CreateTimer(0.1, KickThem, client);
    return false;
    if ( GetConVarBool(CVar_BlockNameCopy) )
    decl String:PlayerName[64], diff;
    if ( len <= 3 )
    strcopy(rejectmsg, maxlen, "You need a longer name to play in this server.");
    // CreateTimer(0.1, KickThem, client);
    return false;
    for(new i=1;i<MaxClients;i++)
    if (IsClientConnected(i) && client != i)
    GetClientName(i, PlayerName, 64);
    diff = CmpString(PlayerName, name);
    if ( strlen(PlayerName) > 3 && diff < 2 )
    decl String:authString[64], String:reason[255];
    if ( !GetClientAuthString(i, authString, 64) )
    strcopy(authString, 64, "STEAM_ID_PENDING");
    Format(reason, 255, "%s was blocked from entering the server for having a similar name to %s (%s). KAC ID:1 Diff: %d", name, PlayerName, authString, diff);
    Format(rejectmsg, maxlen, "You were blocked from entering the server for having a name similar to %s", PlayerName);
    // CreateTimer(0.1, KickThem, client);
    return false;
    if ( GetConVarBool(CVar_BlockMultiByte) )
    for(new i=0;i<len;i++)
    if ( IsCharMB(name[i]) )
    decl String:reason[255];
    Format(reason, 255, "%s was blocked from entering the server for having a multibyte character (UTF) in their name.", name);
    strcopy(rejectmsg, maxlen, "You were blocked from entering this server for having a multibyte character (UTF) in your name");
    // CreateTimer(0.1, KickThem, client);
    return false;
    ConnState[client] = CS_CONNING;
    return true;
    public Action:KickThem(Handle:timer, any:client)
    if ( IsClientConnected(client) && !IsClientInKickQueue(client) && !IsFakeClient(client) )
    KickClient(client, "%s", g_Reason[client]);
    return Plugin_Stop;
    public OnClientAuthorized(client, const String:auth[])
    if ( IsFakeClient(client) )
    decl index;
    index = FindStringInArray(CacheAuthArray, auth);
    if ( index != -1 )
    GetArrayString(CacheReasonArray, index, g_Reason[client], 512);
    CreateTimer(0.1, KickThem, client);
    ConnState[client] = CS_AUTHED;
    decl Handle:t_PTimer;
    t_PTimer = PTimer[client]; 
    CVarI[client] = 0;
    PTimer[client] = CreateTimer(GetRandomFloat(5.5, 17.8), PeriodicTimer, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
    if ( t_PTimer != INVALID_HANDLE ) // Kill an already existing PTimer to prevent over-checking.
    public OnClientDisconnect_Post(client)
    ConnState[client] = CS_NOTCONN;
    strcopy(g_Reason[client], 255, "");
    strcopy(g_Reason2[client], 255, "");
    public Action:BlockCheat(client, args)
    if ( client == 0 )
    return Plugin_Continue; // Server operation.
    if ( ConnState[client] == CS_BANNING )
    return Plugin_Stop;
    new String:log[256], String:cmd[255], String:name[64], String:authString[64];
    GetCmdArgString(cmd, 255);
    GetClientName(client, name, 64);
    GetClientAuthString(client, authString, 64);
    FormatEx(log, 256, "Player %s (%s) tried to execute cheat command: %s", name, authString, cmd);
    return Plugin_Stop;
    public Action:BlockCrash(client, args)
    if ( client == 0 || ConnState[client] == CS_BANNING )
    return Plugin_Stop; // Don't allow server to crash itself.
    new String:log[256], String:cmd[255], String:name[64], String:authString[64];
    GetCmdArg(0, cmd, 255);
    GetClientName(client, name, 64);
    GetClientAuthString(client, authString, 64);
    FormatEx(log, 256, "%s (%s) attempted to crash this server with %s.", name, authString, cmd);
    KACBan(client, 0, "Attempting to crash server", "You fail, goodbye.");
    return Plugin_Stop;
    public Action:BlockExploit(client, args)
    if ( client == 0 )
    return Plugin_Continue; // Server operation.
    if ( ConnState[client] == CS_BANNING )
    return Plugin_Stop;
    new String:log[256], String:cmd[255], String:cmd2[255], String:name[64], String:authString[64];
    GetCmdArg(0, cmd, 255);
    GetCmdArgString(cmd2, 255);
    GetClientName(client, name, 64);
    GetClientAuthString(client, authString, 64);
    FormatEx(log, 256, "%s (%s) attempted to exploit this server with: %s %s.", name, authString, cmd, cmd2);
    KACBan(client, 0, "Attempting to exploit server", "You fail, goodbye.");
    return Plugin_Stop;
    public Action:PeriodicTimer(Handle:timer, any:client)
    if ( PTimer[client] == INVALID_HANDLE )
    return Plugin_Stop;
    PTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
    if ( !IsClientConnected(client) || IsClientInKickQueue(client) )
    return Plugin_Stop;
    decl String:name[64];
    if ( GetClientName(client, name, 64) && strlen(name) < 1 )
    decl String:authString[64], String:reason[255];
    GetClientAuthString(client, authString, 64);
    FormatEx(reason, 255, "%s (%s) was banned for attempting to name hack. KAC ID:2", name, authString);
    KACBan(client, 0, "Banned for name exploit. KAC ID:2", "You have been banned for name exploiting.");
    return Plugin_Stop;
    if ( CVarI[client] > MAX_HACKCVAR*2 )
    CVarI[client] = 0;
    if ( Enabled )
    QueryClientConVar(client, g_HackCVars[g_HackCheckOrder[CVarI[client]]], ClientCVarCallback, client);
    PTimer[client] = CreateTimer(GetRandomFloat(43.5, 65.8), PeriodicTimer, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
    return Plugin_Stop;
    public Action:TimedBan(Handle:timer, any:userid)
    new client = GetClientOfUserId(userid);
    if (!client || !IsClientConnected(client) || IsClientInKickQueue(client))
    return Plugin_Stop;
    decl String:name[64];
    GetClientName(client, name, 64);
    PrintToChatAll("%s was banned by KAC for a cheating infraction.", name);
    KACBan(client, 0, g_Reason[client], "You have been banned for a cheating infraction.");
    CreateTimer(GetRandomFloat(4.5, 30.4), TimedBan2, userid, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); // Make sure they're gone.
    return Plugin_Stop;
    public Action:TimedBan2(Handle:timer, any:userid)
    new client = GetClientOfUserId(userid);
    if (!client || !IsClientConnected(client) || IsClientInKickQueue(client))
    return Plugin_Stop;
    BanClient(client, 0, BANFLAG_AUTO, g_Reason2[client], "You have been banned for a cheating infraction.");
    CreateTimer(GetRandomFloat(4.5, 30.4), TimedBan2, userid, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
    return Plugin_Stop;
    public CheatsChange(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
    if ( Enabled && StringToInt(newValue) != 0 )
    SetConVarInt(convar, 0, true, false); // Force sv_cheats off at all times.
    public EnableChange(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
    if ( Locked )
    if ( GetConVarBool(convar) != Enabled )
    SetConVarBool(convar, Enabled);
    if ( GetConVarBool(convar) )
    if ( Enabled )
    Enabled = true;
    PrintToAdmins("KAC has been enabled.");
    SetConVarInt(CVar_Cheats, 0, true);
    if ( !Enabled )
    Enabled = false;
    PrintToAdmins("KAC has been disabled.");
    // Base Fun Votes (sm_votegravity) and other things like it don't properly replicated values like they should. -.-
    public ReplicateConVar(Handle:convar, String:oldValue[], String:newValue[])
    for(new i=1;i<MaxClients;i++)
    if ( IsClientConnected(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) )
    SendConVarValue(i, convar, newValue);
    // param 2 (client) is always passing the client that returned the cookie, does not pass anything else
    public ClientCVarCallback(QueryCookie:cookie, client, ConVarQueryResult:result, const String:cvarName[], const String:cvarValue[])
    if ( !client || !IsClientConnected(client) || IsFakeClient(client) )
    decl String:name[64], Handle:cvar, cvarid, bool:continuechecks, String:authString[64], ComparisonID, CompTest, Float:clientValue, Float:serverValue;
    ComparisonID = 0;
    continuechecks = true;
    cvarid = g_HackCheckOrder[CVarI[client]];
    GetClientName(client, name, 64);
    if ( strcmp(g_HackCVars[cvarid], cvarName) != 0 ) // Lets go ahead and make use of this call.
    decl String:buff[256];
    GetClientAuthString(client, authString, 64);
    FormatEx(buff, 256, "Cvar out of sync: %s (%s) on %s (%s) is %s", g_HackCVars[cvarid], cvarName, name, authString, cvarValue);
    for(new i=0;i<MAX_HACKCVAR;i++)
    if ( StrEqual(g_HackCVars[i], cvarName) )
    cvarid = i;
    continuechecks = false;
    if ( continuechecks ) // CVar not found, weird.
    cvar = g_HackCVarHandles[cvarid];
    if ( Enabled )
    CompTest = g_HackCVarsComp[cvarid];
    if ( cvar != INVALID_HANDLE )
    serverValue = GetConVarFloat(cvar);
    serverValue = g_HackCVarValues[cvarid];
    clientValue = StringToFloat(cvarValue);
    if ( result == ConVarQuery_Okay )
    switch (CompTest) // This is actually more efficent. - Kigen
    case COMP_EQUAL:
    if ( clientValue != serverValue )
    ComparisonID = 5;
    // break;
    case COMP_LESS:
    if ( clientValue > serverValue )
    ComparisonID = 5;
    // break;
    case COMP_GREATER:
    if ( clientValue < serverValue )
    ComparisonID = 5;
    // break;
    ComparisonID = 4;
    if ( ComparisonID )
    if ( ComparisonID == 5 && cvar == INVALID_HANDLE )
    decl String:reason[255], String:buff[256];
    GetClientAuthString(client, authString, 64);
    if ( ComparisonID == 4 )
    FormatEx(buff, sizeof(buff), "Bad CVar response! Client %s (%s) failed to reply properly to convar query! %s (%s) set to %s", name, authString, cvarName, g_HackCVars[cvarid], cvarValue);
    FormatEx(buff, sizeof(buff), "Bad CVar response! %s (%s) has %s (%s) set to %s", name, authString, cvarName, g_HackCVars[cvarid], cvarValue);
    if ( g_HackCVarsAction[cvarid] == ACTION_BAN || ComparisonID == 4 )
    FormatEx(reason, 255, "%s (%s) was banned for cheating. KAC ID:%d.%d", name, authString, ComparisonID, cvarid);
    FormatEx(g_Reason[client], 512, "Cheating. KAC ID:%d.%d", ComparisonID, cvarid);
    CreateTimer(GetRandomFloat(69.5, 90.4), TimedBan, GetClientUserId(client), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
    else if ( g_HackCVarsAction[cvarid] == ACTION_KICK )
    decl String:value[64];
    if ( cvar != INVALID_HANDLE )
    GetConVarString(cvar, value, 64);
    FloatToString(g_HackCVarValues[cvarid], value, 64);
    FormatEx(g_Reason[client], 512, "The cvar %s needs to be %s %s.", g_HackCVars[cvarid], g_CompareString[CompTest], value);
    FormatEx(reason, 255, "%s (%s) was kicked for having a bad value on %s (had %s).", name, authString, g_HackCVars[cvarid], cvarValue);
    CreateTimer(GetRandomFloat(10.5, 40.4), KickThem, client);
    strcopy(g_Reason2[client], 255, reason);
    if ( continuechecks || PTimer[client] == INVALID_HANDLE )
    if ( continuechecks )
    if ( CVarI[client] > MAX_HACKCVAR*2 )
    CVarI[client] = 0;
    PTimer[client] = CreateTimer(GetRandomFloat(43.5, 65.8), PeriodicTimer, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
    PTimer[client] = CreateTimer(GetRandomFloat(4.5, 13.8), PeriodicTimer, client, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
    public EventNameChange(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
    if ( !client || !IsClientConnected(client) || IsClientInKickQueue(client) || IsFakeClient(client) )
    decl String:oldName[64], String:newName[64], String:PlayerName[64];
    GetEventString(event, "oldname", oldName, 64);
    GetEventString(event, "newname", newName, 64);
    if ( strlen(newName) < 1 )
    decl String:authString[64], String:reason[255];
    GetClientAuthString(client, authString, 64);
    FormatEx(reason, 255, "%s (%s) was banned for attempting to name hack. KAC ID:2", oldName, authString);
    KACBan(client, 0, "Banned for name exploit. KAC ID:2", "You have been banned for name exploiting.");
    if ( GetConVarBool(CVar_BlockMultiByte) )
    decl len;
    len = strlen(newName);
    for(new i=0;i<len;i++)
    if ( IsCharMB(newName[i]) )
    decl String:reason[255];
    FormatEx(reason, 255, "%s was kicked from the server for having a multibyte character (UTF) in their name.", name);
    strcopy(g_Reason[client], 512, "You were kicked from this server for having a multibyte character (UTF) in your name.");
    CreateTimer(0.1, KickThem, client);
    if ( !GetConVarBool(CVar_BlockNameCopy) )
    // Why the kick/ban? Why not block? Answer: Cheats mess up the way things are handled, thus not always promising that a return Plugin_Handled will do the job.
    if ( strlen(newName) <= 3 )
    strcopy(g_Reason[client], 512, "Your name is too short, please come back with a longer name");
    CreateTimer(0.1, KickThem, client);
    for(new i=1;i<MaxClients;i++)
    if (IsClientConnected(i) && client != i)
    decl diff;
    GetClientName(i, PlayerName, 64);
    diff = CmpString(PlayerName, newName);
    if ( strlen(PlayerName) > 3 && diff < 2 )
    decl String:authString[64], String:authString2[64], String:reason[255];
    if ( !GetClientAuthString(client, authString, 64) )
    strcopy(authString, 64, "STEAM_ID_PENDING");
    if ( !GetClientAuthString(i, authString2, 64) )
    strcopy(authString2, 64, "STEAM_ID_PENDING");
    FormatEx(reason, 255, "%s (%s) was banned for attempting to name copy on %s (%s). KAC ID:1 Diff: %d NewName: %s", oldName, authString, PlayerName, authString2, diff, newName);
    KACBan(client, 5, "Banned for name copying. KAC ID:1", "You have been banned for name copying.");
    /* Private KAC functions */
    * CreateNewCheckOrder()
    * Description: Creates a new convar checking order. Used to prevent guessing when a check on a specific convar is going to happen.
    new temp, bool:done = false, test;
    for(new i=0;i<MAX_HACKCVAR+1;i++)
    done = false;
    while (!done)
    if ( i < 4 ) // 0 1 2 3
    temp = GetRandomInt(13, 16); // Check sv_cheats and sv_consistency first. They're common to be on the blatant cheaters.
    temp = GetRandomInt(0, MAX_HACKCVAR);
    done = true;
    for(new t=0;t<i;t++)
    if ( g_HackCheckOrder[t] == temp )
    done = false;
    g_HackCheckOrder[i] = temp;
    test = MAX_HACKCVAR*2+1;
    for(new i=MAX_HACKCVAR+1;i<test;i++)
    done = false;
    while (!done)
    temp = GetRandomInt(0, MAX_HACKCVAR);
    done = true;
    for(new t=MAX_HACKCVAR+1;t<i;t++)
    if ( g_HackCheckOrder[t] == temp )
    done = false;
    g_HackCheckOrder[i] = temp;
    * KACLog(String:log[])
    * log: String to log.
    * Description: Logs actions to KAC log and SourceMod logs.
    LogMessage("%s", log);
    decl String:path[256];
    BuildPath(Path_SM, path, 256, "logs/KAC.log");
    LogToFileEx(path, "%s", log); // Use Ex since we should be the only ones logging.
    KACBan(client, time, String:IReason[], String:EReason[])
    if ( ConnState[client] == CS_BANNING || !IsClientConnected(client) || IsFakeClient(client) || IsClientInKickQueue(client) )
    ConnState[client] = CS_BANNING;
    decl String:authString[64], Handle:t_ConVar, bool:test;
    test = GetClientAuthString(client, authString, 64);
    if ( !test || StrEqual(authString, "STEAM_ID_LAN") )
    BanClient(client, time, BANFLAG_IP, IReason, EReason);
    t_ConVar = FindConVar("sb_version");
    if ( t_ConVar != INVALID_HANDLE )
    ServerCommand("sm_ban #%d %d \"%s\"", GetClientUserId(client), time, IReason);
    t_ConVar = FindConVar("mysql_bans_version");
    if ( t_ConVar != INVALID_HANDLE )
    ServerCommand("mysql_ban #%d %d %s", GetClientUserId(client), time, IReason);
    BanClient(client, time, BANFLAG_AUTO, IReason, EReason);
    * PrintToAdmins(String:text[])
    * text: String to display to all admins.
    * Description: Prints text to all admins on the server.
    for(new i=1;i<MaxClients;i++)
    if ( IsClientInGame(i) && GetUserAdmin(i) != INVALID_ADMIN_ID )
    PrintToChat(i, "KAC: %s", text);
    * CmpString(String:str1[], String:str2[])
    * str1: First String to Compare.
    * str2: Second String to Compare.
    * Returns difference.
    * Counts the number of differences between two strings.
    CmpString(String:str1[], String:str2[])
    decl len, diff;
    diff = 0;
    len = strlen(str1);
    if ( len > strlen(str2) )
    len = strlen(str2);
    for(new i=0;i<len;i++)
    if ( str1[i] != str2[i] )
    return diff;
    * KillTimers(client)
    * client: Client Index number.
    * Description: Kills all active KAC timers on client.
    decl Handle:t_PTimer;
    t_PTimer = PTimer[client];
    PTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
    if ( t_PTimer != INVALID_HANDLE )

    |W0rd|SexualTurtletara420ת/ύ: Hey there daddy..

    \\\ ///
    ( @ @ )


  3. #3


    I have this too...

    // Exploit
    RegConsoleCmd("changelevel", BlockExploit);

    Have you done any editing to it?!?!

    Please accept me on xfire and steam..

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