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Thread: N/U needs help setting up training

  1. #1
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    Default N/U needs help setting up training

    N/U needs training modules built!

    It's been almost 1 1/2 weeks since our first meeting and a little time for things to sink in. Now that we're slowly putting together a game server/web server team, we need to think about properly setting up training modules for all our admins to be on the same page.

    Are you willing to help? Saying you're willing to help is one thing, but we need action. This is what we need and I'll be glad to see people post your work openly here.

    1) A guideline on how punishment per problem should be handled? Example: Gay porn sprays?

    Step 1: Warn and physically remove

    Step 2: Kick person as a warning

    Step 3: Ban for 5 minutes

    Step 4: Ban for 1 week

    2) What training does a new person need to be admin? Is there an admin menu break down and when to use those commands?

    3) When should a person be promoted to an admin manager?What qualifications? AGe? etc


    Last edited by OttoBohn; 10-02-2009 at 05:58 PM.

  2. #2
    PeaceKeeper & Admin|AΦΩ| Kung Fu Master NoogyMan's Avatar
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    Hello this is NoogyMan,
    I'm giving a general lowdown on all server rules and punishments. It may be a little long I'm sure but bare with me it is what OttoBohn requested. Now some of these may be viewed as wrong or incorrect, and if so please PRIVATE MESSAGE ME and I will gladly add/remove anything necessary!! I and probably all Moderaters/Members/ and Owners would not like to see this thread cluttered with useless posts about how good/bad this is. So please NO useless posts. If you would private message me or Get in Vent and talk to me I will gladly change anything. I would; however, like feedback from all of the Owners(Siosios, Pasties, Jackd, Ender, and Scuba) as well as Jr. Owners of N/U and even OttoBohn suggesting changes or othewise.

    Thank-You for your understanding!

    Guideline on Punishments:
    1)Gay Porn Sprays:
    Step 1: Warn physically remove.
    Step 2: Kick player as a second warning.
    Step 3: Ban for 5 min.
    Step 4: Ban for 1 hour.

    2)Team Flashing (Mainly D2 and Office):
    Step 1:Warn verbally/Admin Chat.
    Step 2: Kick from Server.
    Step 3: Ban for 5 min.
    Step 4: Ban for 1 hour.
    Step 5: Ban for 1 day.

    3)Hacking (NOTE--Only Jr.Owners and Owners may Perma ban.)
    Step 1: Take Demo
    Step 2: Admin 'b'- ban for 1 day and notify a Jr. Owner/ Owner for a Perma.
    Step 3: Admin 'a'- ban for 1 week and Do as instructed above in Step 2.

    4)Advertising/ Recruiting:
    Step 1: Warn verbally/ Admin Chat.
    Step 2: Kick from Server.
    Step 3: Ban for 1 day.
    Step 4: Ban for 1 week/perma advised by Jr. Owner/ Owner.

    5)Not Doing Objective By 1:30 (Ex. Plant Bomb/Defuse Bomb {Dust2}; Rescue all Four Hosties {Office} )
    Step 1: Warn verbally/Admin Chat (Warn for two rounds NOT slaying.)
    Step 2: Slay for each rond not doing job (AFTER THE WARNING ROUNDS).
    Step 3: After about 3 rounds(Not including the two rounds warned) of not doing job, Kick from server.
    Step 4: Ban for 5 min. if apon return still not doing job.
    Step 5: If necessary ban for 1 hour.

    6)Excessive Mic/Chat Spam: (Some acceptions may be made Ex. apon entering server they do nothing but spam music, etc.)
    Step 1: Warn Verbally/ Admin chat.
    Step 2: Mute/Gag
    Step 3: If Avoid once remute/gag and Re-warn.
    Step 4: If Avoid a second time ban for 1 hour. (Step 3 and 4 are also stated in Guide Tip number "11 Mute/Gag Avoid")

    7)Ban Avoidance(May depend on crime commited):
    Step 1: Web ban for original crime +plus+ and extra length( Ex. 5min to 1 hour, 1 hour to 1 day, 1 day to 2-3 days, 2-3 days to 1 week, 1 week- Perma(issued by Jr. Owner/ Owner.) )

    8 )Admin Disrepsect (Also may vary.):
    Step 1: Warn verbally/ Admin Chat.
    Step 2: Kick from server
    Step 3: Ban for 5 min.- 1 hour.
    Step 4: ban for 1 day - 1 week.

    9)Racism/ Sexism (Highly contraversal issue; may vary depending on what they say and how they say it as well as if they spam it or say it on purpose after warning.)
    Step 1: Warn verbally/ Admin Chat
    Step 2: Mute/Gag
    Step 3: If they avoid see guide Tip "11 Mute/gag avoidance"
    Step 4: If they stay muted/gagged for 20 minutes, an admin may consider unmuting/ungaggin, afterwhich if they say it again, Ban for 1 day.
    Step 5: After day ban, if they get caught for racism/sexism, ban should be increased to 2-3 days/ 1 week.
    Step 6: After Step 5, It should be a perma ban by Jr. Owner/ Owner.

    10)Player Disrespect(Player to Player):
    Step 1: Warn players involved verbally/ Admin chat.
    Step 2: Mute/Gag
    Step 3: If avoid see guide Tip "11 Mute/Gag Avoidance"
    Step 4: If they last 10 min. Muted/gagged, an admin may consider unmute/ungag.
    Step 5: After unmute/gag if players continue, Kick from server.
    Step 6: Ban for 5 min.
    Step 7: Ban for 1 hour (Again only if disrepsect continues.)

    11) Mute/Gag Avoidance:
    Step 1: Remute/ gag and warn verbally/ Admin chat.
    Step 2: Ban for 1 hour.

    12)Zombies Not Doing Job:
    Step 1: Warn Zombies to kill Humans
    Step 2: Kick player
    Step 3: If they come back but keep screwing around or suiciding, warn them again.
    Step 4: If they don't shape up IMMEDIATELY ban fore 1 hour.
    Step 5: If someone is a repeat offender (of suicide especially) they can get banned for up to a day.

    Admin Training and Promotion:
    Once approved for Admin the player must choose one server to be an Admin 'b' on. They must get permission from that servers Jr.Owner. That Jr. Owner will be responsiable for training that Admin 'b'(Unless trained by a Owner) During said training the Admin menu will be broken down and Admin 'b' will learn when/how to use his/ her new powers.

    Admin 'b' will/may be promoted to Admin 'a' after 30 successful days as and Admin 'b'. Once changed to Admin 'a' an Owner should be responsiable for the rundown on said Admin 'a' new Admin abilities. As for getting admin on other servers permission is needed by Jr. Owner/ Owner and training of that server is required.

    Qualifications for Admin:
    These qualifications are set out in the admin application that one has to fill out before he/ she may become an admin at n00bunlimited.

    --Thank you this is the end of the layout. Again please keep all useless posts to yourselves, if you have any questions or comments about changes, PLEASE PRIVATE MESSAGE ME and I will look into it. I would again like feedback from the Owners (Siosios, Pasties, Jackd, Ender, and Scuba) as well as Jr. Owners and OttoBohn.

    Thanks again, and sorry its so long but thats what Otto asked for.
    Last edited by NoogyMan; 10-03-2009 at 11:53 AM. Reason: Thanks Pasties I just saw that I left out the Warn part on the Not doing objective.
    Hey All I'm NoogyMan! You Only Wish You Were Me, But That's Understandable.....
    Alpha Phi Omega
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    Brother Name : Mister Deeds

  3. #3
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    5)Not Doing Objective (Ex. Plant Bomb/Defuse Bomb {Dust2}; Rescue all Four Hosties {Office}; Hunt Down Humans {Zombie} )
    Step 1: Slay for each rond not doing job.
    Step 2: After about 3 rounds of not doing job, Kick from server.
    Step 3: Ban for 5 min. if apon return still not doing job.
    Step 4: If necessary ban for 1 hour.
    Slaying is not possible on Zombie Mod. Instead here is how we do it for that server:

    1: Warn Zombies to kill Humans
    2: Kick player
    3: If they come back but keep screwing around or suiciding, warn them again.
    4: If they don't shape up IMMEDIATELY ban fore 1 hour.
    5: If someone is a repeat offender (of suicide especially) they can get banned for up to a day.

    Training admins isn't the only thing we need though. I can give new server developers a run-down of how to SSH into the servers and how to do some basic stuff with SSH. I can also give run-downs on the Source Mod back-end and how plugins work and about adding maps and skins and whatnot.
    Last edited by Natalya; 10-02-2009 at 11:07 AM.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  4. #4
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    sorry for my forwardness on someofthethingsisay.
    Just a few idea's

    I think an illaberation on The slayage for not doing jobs in office should be added also.
    I personally would like to slay everyone on ct side at 1:30 if they do not have the hosties.... even if they are in t spawn slanding on the chair-couch-whatever right next to them. if they are in t spawn and do not have the hosties... makes me mad.
    so. also admins should slay people who have 1-2-3- hosties and are running to ct spawn to rescue, even if they have teammates alive that are near and can grab.. also i think i saw somewhere that it is being inforced in like noobsalad or somehting that cts need to be out of spawn like @ 2:00 and off snow @1:80 or something, not sure the specific times. but being out of spawn or being slayed by 1:90 could be inforced rather easly (spawn includding short/long snip)

    Running away while knifing should also be a slayable offence. Knife round where put in(in my vew) to allow the last 2 players to have a "fun" knifing experiance. and if some douche want to go running away accross the map or something......

    spamming granedes out to back yard by t's should aslo be a slayable offence. (and bannable as with all mentioned above and whatever i say after this lol) i think there is a bind that sios has put in that restricts the wepeans spammage for server issues. but t's i think are still able to buy 1-2 more granades ans spam them out to back yard.

    there should be no rules or changes made on the issue of flash bangs..

    could probably think of more, but im hungry and its lunch time! pz

  5. #5
    Inactive N/U Marine
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    to add to betts for dust2 we need a fishngeoriga rule
    i believe it is 1:30 or something

  6. #6
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    I like most of the things that are said, in both posts by betts and noogy(very well done btw)

    The only things i do not agree with, are the 130 rule, as well as slaying for having only 1-2-3 hosties. This is not allowed by n|u, but there should be a warning first in all cases of mischief in the servers, no one should be slaying/slapping/kicking.....etc for a first offense, unless it is quite warrented.

    I will have to review this post again, let me think about it for a day and i will make another post


    Turtletara420: Hahahaha. Pasties Yes Ur the master....always
    Turtletara420: Prob. shouldn't have said that, but yes...Ur the master!!! I bow at ur feet! Oh master how can I serve

  7. #7
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    I'm very impressed. I expected some half ass shit and what I got was golden. Good work. Good damn work.

    As a team, come together with a final set of guidelines and get them approved from the top down. Approval runs like this:

    1) Siosios and Pasties ok with it?
    2) All junior co-owners ok with it?
    3) 60% Admins ok with these guidelines?

    From there, take what you have and let's roll with it as official doctrine. We'll place it in an area where admins can go through it as a bootcamp. They'll be quized upon it. I'd like to see actual flash quiz made where it gives you a situation, they have to decide what to do..ban? how long? kick? etc. They get a score later with their results.

    Training is key to success in your admin structure. You all want uniform guidelines so when someone does fuck up, you can retrain them or refer to the doctrine. It only gets cooler from here.


  8. #8
    PeaceKeeper & Admin|AΦΩ| Kung Fu Master NoogyMan's Avatar
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    First off Thank you everyone! I'm sure I left out somethings because I did this at 3:00 in the morning.(Couldn't sleep and was bored.)

    @ Nat-- Thanks I put in a Guide Tip "12 Zombie Not Doing Job" UM Now could you tell me what you would like for the Tubing and any other ZM rules I might have left out. OR you could write up your own ZM Guide Tip thing. Its up to you I would be fine adding in Just let me know.

    @ Betts and Bfish and Pasties-- I added in on "5 Not Doing Objective." Its now "5 Not doing objective by 1:30" Also added in a New Step for what Pasties said I added in a Step and changed the wording around.

    @ Pasties-- Um if you would let me know your thoughts on the change on "5 Not doing objective by 1:30" You said you don't agree with the 1:30 rule, Do you want that to be changed or deleted and on Office Let me know if that would fix the problem of not getting all 4 hosties with the 2 warn rounds.

    @ OttoBohn-- I believe we should set up another meeting this time an 'Admin' Meeting and get thoughts on this "Guide" That way we can get the Owners / Jr. Owners / and Admins thoughts about it.

    Thanks again guys!
    Hey All I'm NoogyMan! You Only Wish You Were Me, But That's Understandable.....
    Alpha Phi Omega
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    Brother Name : Mister Deeds

  9. #9
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    @ Noogy:
    Zombie admins get their own special training. Not sure if it's written down though, but I think it's in a sticky in ZM. But basically their stuff is as follows...

    - ZM is a no-steam server so Admins have to use sm_banip and should be trained with the sourcebans website.
    - You can't slay players on Zombie Mod. Try not to kill Zombies as an admin punishment, but burn Humans to death if they would otherwise be slayed on a normal server.
    - Zombies must do their jobs (no suicide and no screwing around)
    - Zombies don't have to attack Humans who are in illegal spots. If a Zombie is not doing their job, see the bit in Noogy's post about objective completion with the ZM footnote.
    - Humans can't be inside spots where Zombies have to crouch to get in.
    - Exceptions to this rule are spots where they are wide such that 3 zombies could all go in at once and they are not deeper than the height of a vending machine. An example of a spot like this that's legal is the warehouse on zm_winterfun.
    - Humans are not allowed to put props into vents where you have to crouch to get in or crawl through. (Like maybe a legal spot is at the end of a vent. Humans can't put props inside that portion.)
    - Humans can't shoot into vents like that either, unless there is another way to get into the room. An example is the roof of the cabin in zm_complication_v6. You can shoot the vent thing there because Zombies can also climb up the sign.
    - Humans can't camp in places that are more than 2 or 3 filing cabinets high off the ground if there is no other way of getting there (like a teleport or helicopter).
    - If a Human is breaking any of those vent-related or prop stacking rules, the steps are as follows:

    1: Warn//Admin Chat
    - If they ignore u or don't respond, set them on fire until they pay attention.
    - If they still don't pay attention burn them to death.
    - If they do respond, tell them to get out. They must get out immediately. If there are Zombies outside and you think they can be given a chance to get out try it, but usually Zombies are dumb and will try to kill them. The Humans will just have to deal with dieing.
    2: If they go back to the same spot or a similar spot later, kick them from the server.
    3: If they come back and do it again warn them again, try to get their attention. If this means slapping or burning or whatever do it. I'd rather an Admin got through to someone than we just ban them when they don't respond.
    4: If that doesn't work, then ban for a day.

    Players are allowed to use the mics at all times, so long as they follow these rules:
    1: Don't be excessively loud
    2: Only one person may use the mic at a time
    3: No Racism//Sexism like with normal servers
    If they break these rules, go with the default mic spam punishments.

    - Players should not spam the !weapons menu
    1. Warn them not to spam weapons everywhere
    2. Burn them to death (only Humans can use it) if they keep doing it
    3. If they still don't stop kick them.
    4. Ban for a day if necessary.
    - Spamming counts as if they spawn like 5 or more guns that they are not going to use, especially of the same gun. This doesn't apply if they are giving them all to teammates.

    No Barricade Breaking
    - Whoever gets to a spot first can set up a barricade there.
    - If other players arrive later it's the original player's decision whether to let them in or not.
    - Other players are not allowed to shoot or destroy a barricade unless the original players start to shoot it to let them in or they get confirmation from the original players that they can break the barricade to get in.

    If a Human breaks a barricade not in accordance with the wishes of the player who set it up, here's what to do:
    1. Warn the player not to do that ever again. If the person whose barricade got broken gets killed by Zombies as a result, they might start saying things like "kill that guy" or "kick him" or whatever, which is reasonable given what just happened. If you have access, respawn the victim with sm_respawn and if possible help them get to a safe spot.
    2. If the player who broke the barricade does it again later, kick them from the server.
    3. When they come back, warn them again not to do that. If they do it again ban them for a day. Repeat offenders can be banned up to a week. If they are a repeat offender notify a Jr. Owner of the situation so that they might extend the ban or make it permanent.

    But something different for ZM right now that I want all ZM admins to be clear on...
    Y'all gotta try to make sure that when someone breaks the rules and you're warning them about it, you gotta try everything to make sure they get your warning. I don't like it when someone gets banned and they don't know what they did. Maybe they are a n00b and don't read chat or whatever, doesn't matter. You gotta try. If it doesn't work, then fine, but please I don't want people being banned when they don't know what they did wrong. Also, there are lots of foreigners in there. If you know someone doesn't speak English, see if someone else in the server speaks their language and see if they can talk to them. Sacabu for example is good for dealing with Spanish players and I can talk to French players if you're having trouble with them.
    Last edited by Natalya; 10-03-2009 at 02:49 PM.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  10. #10
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    ZM server can surely have its own setup, sure.

    As long as there's a standard way of doing things overall and all the higher ups are happy with it.

    We'll do another meeting here and get those things finalized.


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