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  1. #31
    Ballsack Trained Monkey
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    God damn. I've read more today than I have all summer year...
    pwning noobs since '99

  2. #32
    Spontaneous Psychotic Socializer N/U Marine
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    Default Re: My 2 cents....well make it 3 just to be original

    Quote Originally Posted by Null
    As for the new map your making CMAC JUST RELEASE IT WITH TERMS THAT ONLY APPROVED COMMUNITIES MAY USE IT...if they run the MAP then report them for breaches to Intelectual Property and their server provider by LAW will need to force em to remove it/deactivate their accounts otherwise face legal action. I know its cheap doing this but you have to do what you need to in order to survive.
    go null
    Last edited by Zaku-x109; 05-12-2011 at 06:16 PM.

  3. #33


    After analyzing both sides, I feel there is a fundamental small group that caused this to turn to such a disastor. I had no clue who or what NA was till I started to see some old regulars in reg office disappear. I've played now in NU servers for a good long time now. It seems to me that a few bad calls on admins here and few folks over on the NA side caused things to go horribly wrong. We have a few abusive claims by the ex NU players which is always bound to happen. Human nature kicked in and that essence of abusive powers was pushed by those small victims,in such a way,that some of the other regulars believed it to be true. Now whatever any admin did, these people saw it as a abusive move. Basically this conglomerate of individuals got together and decided to create there own separate community. Now that began some tension between this new community and NU.

    What cross the line to me seems to have been the burrito recruit incident. Once the top of boiling water came off, all hell broke lose. Somewhere in between there were allegations of theft and whatnot which just made things worst. Now NU is forced into a defensive mode kicking and banning anyone that has to do with NA, as they don't know whose the good or bad guys. Now we have 2 separate communities whose top people cannot come together to resolve this and has hurt the communities themselves. They accuse us of this. We accuse them of that. Now people are forced to choose sides. Its pretty sad on both NA and NU. Now here we sit, everyone playing the blame game. Lies run rampant. No one on either side respects each other. Incident bystanders are being found guilty through association. Just look at this forum. Its a pretty sad turn of events here. [img]

    Gitter Your Space</p>[/img][align=right][align=left]

  4. #34
    Server Admin N/U Marine easytarget's Avatar
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    Immediate hostility for nothing? You come in here insulting our server owner. Your boy, burrito is/has been trying to recruit from our servers wearing your tag for quite some time now. Deuce is making up stories and using that as a platform to recruit from our servers. It has been going on for a long time, but now it is getting out of hand. Today we took action and let our regulars know of this. You started to cry. What did you think would happen if you cannot control your players concerning NU? If you were blind to this, I say you are a fucking moron. Your judgment on Pasties confirms that as well. I'm sure Pasties had to talk to you like a 2 year old from how NA is represented and lead.

    I do not seed your servers nor do I ever go into your forums. I have never allowed any of my CAL members/regulars to go onto your servers. I really do not think anything of your servers. But if something is effecting my community that I am apart of, I will get involved. If you want to be useful towards this matter, get your regulars to follow what you say you enforce or continue to post on our forums looking helpless. I would advise do not look back on these forums because all you are doing is just upping our forum count. Do not waste your time with us if you are legitimately not associated with burrito or deuce and you do want to make your own community. You can try and order us "not to talk shit" but trust me, it seems like you can't get anyone to really follow your leadership. Is the reason you don't want to be talked about badly is because your regulars still enjoy our forums? Yikes.

    There is a difference between you and our server owners. I know we do not condone people spreading our IPs in other communities. So, when we find out who does it, we warn then ban them. You, knowing Burrito is doing this, just cannot control him. Way to be a leader. I cannot blame you if you do not know all of your regulars who break our rules but admitting to knowing about it and not being able to control the situation is worse than bad.

    Well, this is my last post on this matter. I will leave it up to you and your followers to come on our servers and website (feel free to register and click our links on top), and post here or make new threads. Here is a premature thanks.


  5. #35


    I was gone for over a month and came back into this shit. What gets me is many times I tried to help burrito out and he pulls this shit to N|U while I'm gone. I found the youtube video of Ma Deuces rant so I decided I need to hear it from the horses mouth. I didn't need to hear it from Pasties or Sio because if you got to know them like I did, you would know that both of them are good for their w0rd. I went over to burrito's server and was looking for him. "At that point Pasties ask me very nicely not to go over there but I wasn't banned nor scolded by him, fuck I had just got done getting pictures of his dog. lol" Anyhoo, there was burrito, he started talking shit about N|U, I fed him some more bullshit to see if he would play along and sure enough he did. I also talked to Ma Deuce on burrito's server and he does believe that Sio took money from him. At this point it didn't make sense. I didn't think that Sio would take funds from anyone, and he has proved that by taking the time to post his chat logs with ma deuce.

    The only reason why I left was because I could not afford my admin dues at the time. When I came back, I was still welcomed with open arms by my friends at N|U. Hell I still had admin access in some of the N|U servers. I didn't use it because I didn't pay for it. Plus out of respect for the N|U community and for Pasties and Sio, I didn't use it. Stealing is a huge offense for me so what burrito has done has disgusted me in more ways than one. When I finally did come back, Sera and I had explained to Pasties that we were going on our own. Pasties and Sio both knew that I wanted to start my own server very bad. Being Jr. Tech was not enough to feed my hunger to make my own server. But that in no way means that I nor Sera do not support N|U. Hell, jus yesterday I was helping someone try to get admin at N|U and helped advise another player the day before on how to get into w0rd.

    To Anyone who is confused over all this mess, don't take anyones gossip or rumors. Ask them yourself. Play with them on their servers. Sio and Pasties are great guys and they are more than happy to tell you whats going on. Ma Deuce and burrito are ready to chat as well. Burrito in "My Opinion" will not be very truthful about the whole situation.

    As for the comment about Pasties being a fucking moron? Your right, thats why I luv him. But you would have to get to know him, to see that he truely is a friend. He will back you up 100% and stand by your side through thick and thin no matter how grim the situation is. It is an honor to have him for a friend.

    To Pasties and Sio. I wish you guys the best of luck and I will still support you no matter what. I told you when I 1st joined N|U that it was N|U 4 life. If you ever find a player posting the IP from my server, I want to know about it. I don't steal users or admins and I will fight to help stop this st00pid ass shit. Players should be allowed to play where they want, not forced to choose. You guys have shown today "Like always" that you are fair about it. Recruiting is not allowed on your servers so people should respect that.

    To burrito. You slimely piece of shit, I tried to help you several times and this is how you thank me? This is how you treat your friends? I know what you have done and it will take a long time for me to ever trust you again. I stood up for you, tried to help you out, spent many hours trying to train you on how to be a good admin. Theres hours I will never get back. If your sorry for what you did then you will remove your server. This whole situation has broken 2 communities and caused chaso between many good friends. Are you happy now? You greedy lil bastard. Your an attention whore, if no one is talking about u then you do shit to make yourself the center of attention.

  6. #36
    N/U Jr. Owner Trailor Trash Seraphim's Avatar
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    As for myself, yeah, I've played on NA, but I've also played at NU just as much if not more... I've also been at NP, and... someplace else but I've no clue offhand... something I favorited a loooong time ago... But truth be told, I've been more busy offline with a... side project... as well as working with Scribe on our own server. But I would like it known that because I might pop up here, or there, or somewhere in Malaysia of all places, that my friends are spread throughout the net- where my friends are, is where I'll be. But 'home is where the heart is', and while NU is not my 'permanent address' anymore, it's still where 2-ish years of fond memories are, and is still the place I call 'home on the net'.

    I had seen the Youtube video, and while I found it incredibly hard to believe, it was put forth in a rather believable manner. Honestly, I couldn't imagine it to be true, yet I was afraid it was... Scribe went and talked to Duece, and a couple days later, I came to Pasties... and we wanted to find the truth for ourselves. Things just didn't add up. (And here, was the muddling that I spoke of, Pasties)... what both sides said did not match up in of their own accord- one, the other, or both were lying, imho, and from that point forward, I wanted to stay out of it (but obviously, I can't ^_^). However, after talking to Pasties and pondering on it, just now reading what Sio wrote about costs, and remembering all the discussions we had about the inner workings of the servers, I feel there is no discrepancy in NU's side.

    Pasties, Sio, I can't help but commend your forwardness on letting everyone see what was said behind the scenes. "Knowledge is power, and truth is freedom".

    *shakes head* You know, I felt embarrassed and ashamed, humiliated even, from my own guilt at mistakenly banning Duece (hell, I didn't come play the rest of that night or the next day, and Scribe knows, I spent a lot of that night in tears of embarrassment), though to be 100% honest, I was incredibly frustrated at the fact he could get away with incessantly talking (at the time)- I had asked myself repeatedly, if he is an admin, why isn't he acting like one?, and could not find a half-decent answer... that frustration bothered me so much, that, on the rare occasion I went to Office Unlimited, I had him muted until I learned to tolerate him (after the whole WKS/Deuce issue- what, a year later?). Yet, even so, I kept my peace, and that following day, apologized to him several times. *frowns* ...and yet he wanted to pay to see me feel even smaller than I already did?

    Sio, I already knew you were a good man... and even so, you never cease to amaze me, my friend. Thank you, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, for sticking up for me. (and, tbh, I'm really shocked you keep logs from that long ago... I can't even manage to hang on to ticket stubs for longer than a couple hours!).

    Pasties, you have told me, several times in fact, that you have had nothing to hide, and had no reason to lie. In the 2-ish years I've known you, that has always held to be true. I could not imagine why now, over a matter of money, your morals would've changed. And honestly, I don't care if anyone bad-mouths you, calls you a moron or whatnot... yes, you *can* be an ass at times- but honestly, I think that's one of your more endearing qualities. The fact that you can turn countless admins into NU's personal bitches via your antics, and have us love it, is a trait few can imitate. Don't ever change (I mean it. You do, and I'll have to hunt you down and Awp you to death!).

    Like I said earlier... even though I'm no longer an admin here... NU is still, and will always be, where I hang my hat, even if I should come back for it 3 months later. (*relates an long-winded anecdote of a certain great-uncle of mine who was sent out for eggs one morning, and comes back with them 3 years later*).

    To Ma Duece (should he be able to read this) : In your PM to me-as-Scribe, you said, and I quote, "Honesty is all I have". I find that incredibly hard to believe. You told me that you are a Christian, yet you sought to *pay* to have me belittled. All I can say to you is this : 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as you love yourself', and 'thou shalt love thy enemies and pray for them'. If I became your enemy after banning you, why pay to humiliate me, instead of praying that I'd become a better admin? I might be a sheep in wolf's clothing... but your fangs are poking out of your wool hoodie. My prayers will be with you, nonetheless.

    To Burrito (likewise, if he can read this) : All I can say, is "Why?". I honestly didn't care about how mature others thought you were or weren't- at times, your antics were funny, and others, annoying (but little different than what my own kids put me through, so again, I thought nothing of it). I considered you my friend. You know, that admin meeting where your actions as admin were considered? I was the *only* one who had nothing critical to say about your admin skills, because at that time I had seen next to nothing that would've made me say otherwise, and what I did see was only occasional, and nothing worse than what happens in Reg Office on a busy night. I honestly can't understand why you would backstab your friends and this community the way you did. And so all I can say is, "Why?".

    Experiencing synaptic difficulties, please stand by...

  7. #37
    Spontaneous Psychotic Socializer N/U Marine
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    Quote Originally Posted by pasties
    soviet, I will unban you now.
    Last edited by Zaku-x109; 05-12-2011 at 06:17 PM.

  8. #38


    No, I was aware of what burrito was doing originally but also told him to stop. I was not told he was still doing it. How was I supposed to know? I don't lurk these forums, and don't play your servers. If I find out he continues to do this, AFTER the fact, I WILL put my foot down and show that I do run my community. NA was not started by NU people. We were started by former, XFG and NG members. We started at Noob Galore, left it, then went to X Factor Gaming, left it also and created our own. NU wasn't even on our minds until Burrito showed up. Even then, we looked at you as a community, not a threat, just another friendly community.

    When I tried to talk to Pasties about Burrito's actions, he basically told me to fuck off and didn't give me any valid reason to talk to him anymore. That is where my impression is from. Sios, I do not know and have never talked to so will not give my judgment as the fact I do not have one. I want to get this settled because like I said, I don't want to see basically random hostility, random in the sense that the only negative things I was aware of was Burrito's initial recruiting and deuce talking some shit. I have no reason to hate NU. I do not plan on recruiting and if Burrito or someone continues, PLEASE let me know. Xfire me or e-mail me. Like I originally said, we do not condone this.

  9. #39


    Your being told as of right now it was not more than 2 days ago he wanted Sera and I not to come into N|U anymore. Only NA. Add that along with others that have mentioned it plus the mass exodus from N|U to burrito's server should be enough evidence for you to put your foot down.

  10. #40
    g0d! Contributing Member siosios's Avatar
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    i didnt post in this thread to start an all out hate fest, i wanted my regs that had questions on why i "stole" a "mil" to really know the truth of the matter. the ban all NA players came from not knowing who else was activly being a burrito per burrito's request. the first 10 i banned were caught actively recruiting be it by a regular notfying me or me walking into my dust2 server and catching someone like ION, for example, asking people if they would go to the NA server (guess it was a dust2 server). we have a polocy here at N/U, that policy is we dont allow recruiting nor do we allow our regulars or admin to go to other communities and recruit (a quick removal of the player breaking the policy has always been adhered to).

    as for your first conversation with pasties i must comment on how you 2 went about it. from what i read both of you came into the conversation hot headed and with an attitude, i can understand pasties side of it becuase we just banned 3/4's of our regs and some friends from office unlimited due to burrito and his escapade (might be wrong on the timing and he could have just still been upset for having to remove people we have known for years).

    anyway i have no opinion on you or your admins or your regular players for that matter, simply becuase i have more work here to deal with then having the time to go play on other peoples servers.

    i have added you on xfire so that if you choose to discuss this more in private you can.

    as for my regs bad mouthing NA. i do not condone it and do not think its fair to all parties to bad mouth another community just becuase N/U was wronged by a few of thier members. as pasties had said in his initial post this was so our regs would be told the truth concerning what is going on here.

    thanks for your input

    PS: our main dedicated server has 16 cores with only 8 game servers running on it... i wouldnt call it bloated and over loaded, but if you rent from a hosting company they(some of them any ways) overload thier boxes and do have quality issues.

    |W0rd|SexualTurtletara420ת/ύ: Hey there daddy..

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