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Thread: Life Changing Event?

  1. #21
    CaNNoN fOddEr Kung Fu Master SmurfSniper's Avatar
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    wow..... reading this has actually got me a little teary eyed... well for those who have lost, those who have regrets, and those who have had a rough life all around... keep ya head up! this thread just goes to show how we are all pretty much one big family (even though we most of us have never even met)

    I guess I have several regrets... especially for this year, and all have to do with wishing I had spent more time with friends and family.

    Trevor Jones, a very close friend and very talented tattoo artist. wish he was still around to bullshit with and spend what seemed like all nighters tattooing. died february, 11th 2009

    Herbert Lutes, what can I say.... "pap, I would give anything to have you here now" I miss my grandfather so much, but the last couple years I didnt get to spend hardly any time with him due to work... well nowhere near the amount I wish I had now :'( He taught me almost everything I know. He could bullshit with the best and have you believing anything. Died Feb. 12th, 2009

    Edna Kennon, really dont know what to say here.... I loved my mammaw, and I miss her.
    Died Aug. 23rd, 2009

    Jerry "tiger" Bowman, wow never ever ever would have imagined or even thought I would have had to go through losing a brother. it was so unexpected and hurt so much. Just wish I could go back and prevent some of the shit that lead to his death.... after finding out all the shit he was doing, I just turned my back on it and started avoiding him thought to myself..... "his ass is going to have to learn, I just hope he dont take it to far" when I should have been there and tried to lead him away from the drugs... I miss you bro
    Died, Sept. 24th, 2009


    Linville O'hair, well he was a grandfather I really didnt get to know as well as I probably should have :-\
    Died, Sept. 25th 2009

    I would say this has probably been a very rough year all around. For everyone here!

  2. #22
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    well said smurf. even though, we have these thoughts and feelings we feel we cannot share with anyone ( God knows i'm one of them) this is really one place i do feel comfortable sharing them. this is a second family. it only shows that there are people out there who do give a damn about you.


  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by kamikaze_bad_ass View Post
    organ i am truly sorry about your dad and i know what i wrote is a socker but its all true i ask that ya'll look over my imperfetions and [pray for me you have no idea how bad i need it and i need a shoulder to cry on too sometimes cause i feel like a failure and i feel like quiting life in general sometimes
    bro i pray for everyone of my friends each and everyday and your one on my friends so i pray for you to like i said love you like a bro man and if you ever need a shoulder or some one to talk to im here

    xfire: fatall33t

    Ps: thank you
    we all give a dam about each other in here we are family
    Last edited by ORGANDONOR; 12-10-2009 at 02:44 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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  4. #24
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    smurf dude I'm sorry that u lost all those people in your life all in the same year you have to treasure every moment with everyone you love cause you never know if you will have tomorrow but don't beat yourself up cause you weren't there more and don't blame yourself for your brother habbits and what happened to him , it's not your fault that he did drugs or whatever he did that was his choice not yours.
    could you have been there more certainly should you have tried harder to help him probably but in the long run he choose his life and you could have done everything in the world to make him stop but just like leading a horse to water you can't make em drink so till he really wanted it for himself to stop and change it would not have happened.

    and to organ thanks for being like a true brother and for have a true heart of gold and for caring for not only for me but everyone in this community YOUR ONE IN A MILLION
    and i really appreciate you caring about me i really do I'm sorry if i brought up my life and my past to much but one thing i have learned while in the program is you have feelings for a reason and sometimes they will lie to you and if you bottle up your feelings ( like i have my whole life ) than they will eventually bring you down and make it imposable to live a normal life you can't hold on to the past, or change the past, you can't control the past, the past is just that the past it is only there to remind you of what you have been through what you have done good in and where you have failed at and to remind you not to repeat the stuff you failed at ( which is my #1 problem i have not learned my lesson on all my mistakes i still think i am capable of doing some things even thou i know what the consequences will be i.e "The Burger King Mentality" ) another perfect example is the definition of insanity which is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different consequence and i am not tiring to preach but one of my favorite bible verses is
    “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." Matthew 6:34 thanks to everyon in this community for being there for me and for being the family i have never had

    Last edited by kamikaze_bad_ass; 12-10-2009 at 05:54 PM.


  5. #25
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    your welcome brother
    love you man
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  6. #26
    PeaceKeeper & Admin|AΦΩ| Kung Fu Master NoogyMan's Avatar
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    And to think.... People wonder why we spend so much time, work, and money in this place. It's cause we ARE indeed a family and love each other!

    You guys are amazing, Happy Holiday's!
    Hey All I'm NoogyMan! You Only Wish You Were Me, But That's Understandable.....
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  7. #27
    N/U Jr. Owner N/U Special Forces Mongoloid's Avatar
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    I got some shit it seems that its a happy home for me with my girl of 8years and have three kids together, i live my life like a robot doing the same routine everyday wake up go to work for 13 hours come home as a zombie ghosting through life due to me and my girl not getting along any more dont get me wrong i love my kids do anything for them same as my girl but when it feels like ur not getting appriciated for what you do and sacrifaced for them and all the hard work i do. i feel lost i get no graditude from her. We now feel like room mates just with kids. I think she sticks around fro the kids but when u know there is nothing there u know. I come on here when im not working mad to relax and have fun and shoot the shit with you guys its like the wieght is lifted off my shoulders for the couple of hours i am here gaming and chatting away with everyone. Growing up you really never get told how really HARD life is.......Love, trust, pain, BILLS, no money..... i wish things turn around big time

  8. #28
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    it is really heard live sucks man but dont give up on anything just stick in there
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  9. #29
    Word Trained Monkey
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanishedsoul View Post
    God Is love dude, God is love
    i was blown 30 feet out of a humvee in iraq while on patrol down bomb alley, our convoy was hit by a IED that took out the first humve the humvee i was driving was then hit by a rpg underneath the chasey, needless to 3 of my men were killed, i was left injured with Shrapnel scars down my legs and back as well a concussion.....and a tore ACL. needless to say i was spent some time at walter reed and then was sent home and put on Recruiting duty where i stayed for a year and then decided not to put in for re-enlistment and instead applied to the University of Washington where i study Psychology to be a Drug and Alcohol counselor. I intend to get into a field where i work with Vets home from was past present and future and help to work through some of the issues that push them to the bottle, bet yall didnt know that.....

    god is love dude
    dude! my best friend has the same kinda story but it was an IED it was a roadside... he broke is femur and his jaw in two places and was in critical condition for 2 weeks, and he was in the hospital for a long long time, now hes good and hes going back to iraq in 2010!

    As for me my grandmother had passed away not all that long ago (this summer) and she had Lou Gherigs disease and Muscular Distrophy among the few problems that she had. I visited her a few times but not near as many as i should. My mom and my dad worked hard all there lives to give me and my siblings what we have today.. and while there were doing so she was the one taking car of me, my bro and my sis. I cant tell you how much i wish i would have visited her more.. but i hated seeing her like that so i didnt...

    And sios i feel ya there but not to the same extent... I dated a girl from when i was 16 til i was 20 and thought i (i know its corny lol) found the "one" we dated for almost 4 years.. i know i was young.. but i knew what i wanted and i knew that she was it. Well needless to say.. Got my heart ripped out and stepped on. Im not the same person i was b4 anymore... SHE STILL fucks with me like as much as possible.. she just recently got my best friend to start talking bout me bhind my back and now they are dating. So needless to say we arent "best friends" any more. which is a big part of y my css hours have grown so much.
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  10. #30
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    i fill you all its not easy. life through us in diffrent drections all the time and its not fair but it makes us better ppl and stronger for the times we need it with a girl someone that passes away or just something that gets us down. life isnt fair but what is.
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