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Thread: New Admins

  1. #21


    Shortbus never abuses admin. He barley even uses it. Sajora can mess around but never to the point of true abuse. I didnt even know taco had admin and i play with him everyday. They dont slay people for no reason and never slay entire teams.

    But if singling out players is abuse then yeah Organdonor abuses.

  2. #22
    Inactive Trailor Trash
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    Default I will Admit

    I'll Admit, I have set the whole server on fire once( when SIOS was there, and yes I did get chewed out) and I do admit that I was wrong by doing so. However we are human and do mistakes. Secondly ...Warm up rounds and when rounds end, the stats/points do not count and I have slayed the entire server, and everyone was ok with it and would laught about it, however since I realize I shouldn't do it, I will not, cause I wouldn't want to harm someones feeling that should be in bed by 9pm anyways. The serer usually fills up when I get on and to be fair any ping over 200 will get kicked from the server as well as afk/spectators(yes someone complained about this one...)

  3. #23
    N/U Commando
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    I haven't been on GG much recently because I've been pulling in long shifts and taking care of the wifeypoo (who is constantly with morning sickness which is getting kind of worrying) and when i do i usually do it incognito (as organ has found out recently lol) because i am there to blow off steam, the only thing i can say to new admins is this:

    Ya gotta get control of some of the mic spammers. I'm a huge fan of the mic when I'm in a good mood, but jesus christ i go in there nowadays and I want to stuff my ears with cotton balls its so intense.

    Other than that in my short times in the server the admins have been joking around with regs, pubs, newbs alike and being very patient with irritants and n00bs teaching them the ropes and things like that.

    oh and whoever added the "ass and titties" are my hero...

    oh and damn the arcade area of the forums..I come on my computer to play in the servers and i get goddamnned hooked on arcade games on the forums first
    Pastiez: I OWN YOU
    Hellscreams: Tru...
    Pastiez: You're my bitch!
    Hellscreams: It fits...

  4. #24


    I'm on the gungame server everyday, all of the regulars and admins know this.

    To the point: There is no admin abuse. I have no idea who Abomination is, and I don't recall ever seeing him in the server. He doesn't have nearly enough evidence or record of seeing abuse to report it, not even close.

    All of the admins do a good job of what they do. Most irregular things are usually voted on, which are all fun in nature. There's no reason that this thread should exist.

  5. #25
    Inactive Pwnerator
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    Two things .
    First of all, all of the issues I'm sure are being resolved.

    Secondly, thank you to all of the regular players that posted in the forums to let everyone know your thoughts. I didn't realize how many of our GG reg's check the board and I think its awesome. Anyways, I don't want to derail the post, just appreciate that you GG regulars are active in the forums as well and you give feedback whether its good or bad. Thanks.

    /tear rolls down my eye

  6. #26


    I guess since I'm supposed to be one of the jr. owners I'll comment on this.

    I've been fairly inactive until recently due largely in part to school and trackmania taking up a fair amount of my time (though I'm getting back into the swing of things on CSS and playing consistently on the gungame server).

    In my recent playing (the last week or two) I would say that I haven't seen any of the A/B admins abusing their powers in the least. Now, like I said, I haven't been very active at all until a week or so ago, so before that, I'm not sure what people were doing. However recently it seems like everyone has been fine. I haven't heard any of the admins spam the mic, spam sounds, slay indiscriminately, or anything similar. If I saw this was going on, I'd just as soon take care of it myself or talk to sios or pasties about it.

    The only problem I guess I have with some of the new admins is that occasionally they can bitch a bit much for my taste (OMG YOU SHOT ME WHEN I HAD MY KNIFE OUT GOD) etc...but this is fairly insignificant. it seems like everyone is doing a fine job of running the server.

    In the least, I don't see any reason for people to be complaining about the admins, anyway.


  7. #27
    N/U Commando
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    thank you all for comeing in here & puting down ur thoughts about whats goin on in the server. I would all so like 2 thank all of the ppl that come in here & check the forms out once in a wile i didnt no that all of where in here like this in force lol

    but once again thank you all your all good guys


  8. #28
    Kung Fu Master
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    When i originally started reading this thread, I was like o'jesus here we go again, another GD complaint on an admin. I read abomination's post. I wasnt so impressed, I read on and on and on(jesus wargasm :P) and for what i read i really didnt see anyone but one person say something bad about our admins. For one, I am very happy to see such dedication to our gg server from all you reg's. Secondly, all our admins know what is allowed and what is not, when "someone" complains on an admin, all sides are heard before any decision is made. There is never a deviation from this rule.
    No, admin is going to be repremanded for there actions that took place. Although, slapping/slaying even for fun to the majority, may not be fun for all. Make sure admins that you arent stepping on some peoples toes while you and the rest of the server are having a good time.
    I am very happy to hear that most of you have a good time in our gg server, this is what we strive for. There are going to be days that admins have bad days, and players that have bad days. We are all human after all. I am sorry but i have to say this once more, I am very pleased that all of you regs/players/admins took the time to let me know what was really going on here.

    Good job admins! kudos from me.

    Owner of N|U

    Turtletara420: Hahahaha. Pasties Yes Ur the master....always
    Turtletara420: Prob. shouldn't have said that, but yes...Ur the master!!! I bow at ur feet! Oh master how can I serve

  9. #29
    Trailor Trash
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    This thread gave my claytoris an-E-R-E-C-T-I-O-N-...

    that is all!
    [color=red][00:17] Wolfeh: Get clay to send me pics of his privates.[/color]
    [color=red][21:25:24] pasties was kicked from the server by player siosios (bitches like being slapped)[/color]
    [color=red]Kirk: Dude what movie is that in your sig with the bullet. that shit looks uber tight like a 13 year olds vagina.[/color]
    [color=red]enderless: I know. I totally didn't use the ! when i said N!gger, I FEEL SO NAUGHTY!!![/color]

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by claydog114
    This thread gave my claytoris an-E-R-E-C-T-I-O-N-...

    that is all!
    scary clay.

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