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Thread: Office server

  1. #11
    PeaceKeeper & Admin|AΦΩ| Kung Fu Master NoogyMan's Avatar
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    Guys don't get mad at Sios because he's right. Those who donate care. He never said you guys don't care because you don't donate money. You guys donate your time to our servers to help get and keep them populated and help make sure they are running smooth; as soon as a problem shows up the regulars come post so someone can get it fixed right away, without you guys they'd be paying for empty servers which would be pointless. Just because you can't donate 'Money' doesn't mean you don't Donate at all. Admins are nothing with no players, so regulars are just as important. It's just hard to see the servers he worked for years on start to crumble, and the people that "Loved" this community drop out or leave for stupid reasons because some have. On the other hand, there has been some that had to leave for personal reasons; which in itself, is just as hard.

    Tib you are important because people love to play with you because they think you are either a beast or a hacker and when they kill you they feel so accopmplished like they've done something amazing.
    Last edited by NoogyMan; 11-21-2010 at 11:40 PM.
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  2. #12

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    Well, I don't really know if this is apporiate due to I have no clue but..

    Where are you guys in game? Meaning, if life stops your gaming then so be it, but i would say, and again i just came back as well from life issues.. but this community is in defcon 3 right now and needs everyone on the same team.

    I see people post on forums, and I know checking forums is easy via Phone, Laptop, Work etc etc, and playing CS:S is usually only at home, but try to make some game time in if you can. This goes towards the admins and the owners as well. Only ones I see daily, and I have ZERO LIFE, i stay home all day, game, smoke weed, and game and game and sleep. Til college in Jan

    I see you guys posting, but not playing. With the community so low, I mean 8-16 people is all we can usually get the server going with on a daily basis, with 16-20 being the peak and 8-12 max usually the avg.

    also the word guys need to hop in more, and also the bloodred thing, idk whats with that, but that sounds like someone from NU left made a new community, and then well, ill shut up, but ya..

    just my 2 cents, since I been around this community for years under m3ow, SapR, or KilrBe3 handles, and been a Admin and life has taken me away a few times, and I never really put roots into the community, more of just a player and observer and your avg high times bloke.


  3. #13
    BloodThirsty Pwnerator
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    Still no one wants to admit that this game is dieng. I know most will say "CS:S is never die, it was to popular of game to do that." I have noticed it by not only people on my friends list not playing anymore but just the server's being empty all the time. When I first started playing CS:S Dust 2, Office, and DM where always damn near full at all hours. But now I may have max 5 friends on at time and i never see any1 in the servers, This is happening to more communities than N/U alone.

  4. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by POW View Post
    Still no one wants to admit that this game is dieng. I know most will say "CS:S is never die, it was to popular of game to do that." I have noticed it by not only people on my friends list not playing anymore but just the server's being empty all the time. When I first started playing CS:S Dust 2, Office, and DM where always damn near full at all hours. But now I may have max 5 friends on at time and i never see any1 in the servers, This is happening to more communities than N/U alone.
    Mmm, but its not really dieing, its just taking a small dip due to Black Ops month. Plus next month will be WoW Cata, but most CSS players don't really play WoW, the hardcore CS playas that is.

    CS:S is still hovering around its same spot, just minus one or two cuz of Black Ops, but will return to normal.

    In a sense it is, But also in a sense, Im looking at NG server which has 30ppl in at 9am.

  5. #15
    I am a rapist Pwnerator
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    Quote Originally Posted by mEow View Post
    Well, I for one, don't have any lag issues ever. But no PC is the same, so thats IMO.

    But we do need to get something straight, I shed a tear when I see how low office is sometimes, and then i get flashbacks to how popping and busy and what a awesome community was on there before.. Now its....... the dead zone
    I never have any lag issues per say . However I have notice that on most servers but esp n/u I will get pre fired as well as take cover and still take damage after I'm in cover any ideas?

  6. #16
    N|U g0d Kung Fu Master enderless's Avatar
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    I've done some tweaking to the back end of things, so tell me what you guys think. I've already got several pm's saying that everything seems good.

    Also, this topic seems to have gotten a little off hand. It's not about who does more of what, or who is the better admin or reg. It's not even about the donations (all proceeds are put right back into the server, and excess is rolled over to the next month). I have not been here as long as some senior members, but i have seen my fair share. This community has been through a lot, and some members have come and gone (and returned again). I don't judge people by any set criteria. You are what you put in, and members bring several different skill sets to N|U.

    Don't take Sio's post at face value, but rather as an snippet of frustration that we server dev's face. I work a solid 50+ hour week, and on top of that run 2 servers for my own business (a data back-up server and a webserver, entirely non-CSS related) so it's hard to find time to work on shit. I don't know his exact schedule, but i know that Sio frequently puts in 10-12 hour shifts. Pasties has his own company in Canada, and if you have talked/read Jackd's thread, you know that he's out of state on a business call to Cali (and possibly something freaky w/Shotgun, but the jury is still out on that one ). Not trying to make excuses folks; just giving you a little peek behind the curtain. =P

    I usually make it home no later than 5pm EST, so if you need anything, shoot me message via steam, pm on the forums, or a new post. If something still needs attention, feel free to hit me up or bump something. I get distracted w/RL shit, and just because i (or another g0d or Jr. Owner) do not reply does not mean that your opinion or ideas are not valid or appreciated. Shit happens folks. People lose jobs, or have family/job issues and cannot pay any more, or just up and leave and create their own community (has happened more than i would care to think of). We've restructured and assigned new w0rd recruiters before, only to have them leave the next month. =P

    We're currently rebuilding and tweaking everything from the server move, so some stuff has gone on the back burner. But I will try my best to facilitate and/or try to work around suggestions and ideas. I just would ask for a little patience.

  7. #17

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    PM'd ender about the 1 hour reset and he changed it within 5 minutes. thank you very much!

  8. #18
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    Actually Ender when im home in ny its shotgun. When im away in cali its Rogue Ops.

    No but seriously I have been posting in the admin chat so the regs havent been seeing my updates. I got called to go to cali lasy miniute last week on a business trip and was supposed to be home last Sat. Its now Tues and Im still in Cali. I fly home wed and is now returning to Cali on Sun for 3 weeks. I will not be on steam or in game. I try to get on the forums every now and again but its not easy.

    So after reading everyones posts I in fact agree with almost everyone. I am going to post in the public forums something I posted in the admin chat about a month in a half ago. I believe it applys to everyone in the community except the donation stuff. It will be entitled the bottom line.

    We can't have N/U to continue the way it is. We need some more people to step up whether they are new or old. If you can't donate then you can help out by specing in an empty server, helping out new players so they would want to come back and feel welcomed, stick up for noobs, call an admin in to stop trashing talking or talking down to new players.

    You get the idea. We all need to come together and it needs to happen asap.

    Thank you!


    [center][COLOR="Red"]|Ň/Ú| siosios: thise 2 cab cgat at ne wgeb u waje yo ub ub the morning im too drunk right noiw[/COLOR][/center]

  9. #19
    Spontaneous Psychotic Socializer N/U Marine
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    As I posted in the thread jack made ( )
    This is basically what I said,

    This is my first post in X months b/c I donno when I last posted on here, but theres also the issue:
    1. School/College
    2. Dots '28Rounds Later' server (not bashing or blaming for causes)
    3. The economy (has affected me majorly)
    4. People getting older

    But I agree with you Jack, N/U is slowly dying as I have lost my first and (was) permanent home since CS, which was 'N/U 24/7 ZombieMod'

    I was an admin for a long time, but for a long time now I have been unable to reapply b/c of me not having any income, my mom still doesn't have a job after 4yrs since her boss lied about racist remarks made by my mom and me starting my freshman college year.

    This should be made an important thread or something... Also, more than 97% of my friend play CSS so take a gander at my steam page friends list ( ). I'm unable to more than agree with you because my professors have swamped me with essay after essays, projects after projects and speeches after speeches (all because of what I'm majoring in). Sorry I couldn't be much help to you guys... But I will always be faithful to N/U as it was my first and only home for CSS.

    If you ever need some help on something just PM me through steam (assasinlord1st is my steam id page link thingy) I still have to add the newer admins for N/U's remaining servers since there's different ones since I was admin.

    I'm also trying to win the lottery with my mother, and if I am to win I will send a medium sum just enough so you guys can keep in reserve incase an emergency. Especially since I'm having financial issues.
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    Last edited by Zaku-x109; 05-12-2011 at 06:45 PM.

  10. #20
    I am a rapist Pwnerator
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    So heres my take on the whole topic. Basically here's what I think.

    Css is not dying its become less popular however since the update
    The office server has been dead lately (very disappointed)
    Those who do not donate are not evil or don't care, some of us don't have the financial means to donate - personally I am donating as soon as my loan check comes in
    We need a way to get all our regulars to populate the server at a given time, which is rough because basically between college and work and gf it's rough to run around and play cs. I try and check the forums every day at least several times a day. I really love this community and you guys are all amazing as are all the admins. They spend countless hours in addition to their jobs and family lives to support and run the servers that we play on. There has to be something we can all do to help out. Let's brainstorm, this isn't the end of CSS many of you are making it seem.

    edit - Additionally, I am willing to help with anything to do with servers or networks, even user problems im willing to help with anything really and give as much time as possible to this amazing community
    Last edited by Shotgun; 11-23-2010 at 10:53 AM.

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