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  1. #21
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    @ CMAC and Null

    You can't release the map with a ToS or whatever that states that it is N/U's intellectual property. Valve maintains rights over all custom maps made for this game. A better solution is to put a banner somewhere on the map saying N00b Unlimited, lists our website, and has Unlim Office's IP address and says N00b Asylum sucks ass or something like that.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  2. #22
    Ballsack Trained Monkey
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    Quote Originally Posted by NatalyaAF
    @ CMAC and Null

    You can't release the map with a ToS or whatever that states that it is N/U's intellectual property. Valve maintains rights over all custom maps made for this game. A better solution is to put a banner somewhere on the map saying N00b Unlimited, lists our website, and has Unlim Office's IP address and says N00b Asylum sucks ass or something like that.

    Have a big picture of text that says N00bunlimited and draw a penis on it. Then make text that says NA and have it sucking our cock lol.
    pwning noobs since '99

  3. #23
    Kung Fu Master
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    soviet, I will unban you now.

    Turtletara420: Hahahaha. Pasties Yes Ur the master....always
    Turtletara420: Prob. shouldn't have said that, but yes...Ur the master!!! I bow at ur feet! Oh master how can I serve

  4. #24
    Trailor Trash
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    dirty souf
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    Quote Originally Posted by NatalyaAF
    @ CMAC and Null

    You can't release the map with a ToS or whatever that states that it is N/U's intellectual property. Valve maintains rights over all custom maps made for this game. A better solution is to put a banner somewhere on the map saying N00b Unlimited, lists our website, and has Unlim Office's IP address and says N00b Asylum sucks ass or something like that.
    HAHAH that would be funny as hell to see NA sux ass in the map LOL!!!!!
    [color=red][00:17] Wolfeh: Get clay to send me pics of his privates.[/color]
    [color=red][21:25:24] pasties was kicked from the server by player siosios (bitches like being slapped)[/color]
    [color=red]Kirk: Dude what movie is that in your sig with the bullet. that shit looks uber tight like a 13 year olds vagina.[/color]
    [color=red]enderless: I know. I totally didn't use the ! when i said N!gger, I FEEL SO NAUGHTY!!![/color]

  5. #25



    Its batgirl here from office unlimited and i would like to point out a few things. Please don't just freak out because i'm just giving you guys a little insight to things.

    So, ok lets say duece is lying and burrito is a fucking idiot ( which if you didn't know already your a little slow )

    We, at noob asylum, have already confronted him about doing things like this. I'll let our owners know whats going on and show them this post, I'm sure there will be action taken. I just want to say that i personally left because i saw SEVERAL long time admins just thinking they can do whatever they want because they pay to run the server. The whole kravin incident wasnt the first time something like that has happened. I played in office unlimited ONLY because thats were all the cool admins are. So, one day i decide to play in another nu server and i'm banned for retaliating to something i found offensive. ummm hello? since when does an admin, who i see as a representative of your community, insult a female gamer with a derogatory term. I'm over that now, but i didn't leave because of burrito, i left because of how everything was becoming all politics. I'd say about 76 % of the players that come to NA that were former NU players all say they come because the admins over at NU were being extremely harsh/abusing.

    thats why i left.

    But on another note, i'm extremely sorry for burrito's behavior and i hope that you don't see NA as that type of community. I have already stopped a vast majority of the bad mouthing of NU in our office unlimited server( once i realized how childish the whole thing is), and we're cracking down on the kids who want to try and recruit in your server. I'm very sorry if theres anything you guys think that would help the situation just let me know. My xfire is xbatgirlx01
    once again i deeply apologize.

  6. #26
    Kung Fu Master
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    I think many of you are getting things wrong, I didnt post this to slander deuce or burrito. I did this to allow our players a insight into what I have been thinking about for quite sometime. from deuce saying he is going to sue us, to burrito and his childish antics.
    I confronted a player today who has been a regular on N|U servers for years(who i also considered a friend), I was told that he was telling other N|U regs not to play on our servers anymore. When i confronted him I asked if this was true, he said indeed it was. I then showed him this post early in the day when it was only my post. he replied "I am going to have to check with deuce and burrito to see if "my story" was correct". I replied, i dont care if you believe me or not. take it for what it is. I then asked him why he would do such a thing in the first place, he told me it was because i stole money from deuce.
    The reason i am telling the N|U community of this convo, is to show you that i have nothing to hide from. If you feel that you dont want to play on my servers because you think that we stole money from anyone(let alone deuce) than you are sadly mistaken. for the people like this person (who i did not ban, becuase i obviously have more respect for him, than he does for me)I hope you are happy at your new server. The last thing i said to this person was, I am not going to ban him for disrespect or w.e, but i dont want to see him on my servers until he has grown up.

    Many of you know me, for quite sometime. If i am anything i am truthful.
    Regs/admins/friends come and go, IF YOU DONT HAVE YOUR WORD--YOU DONT HAVE SHIT.

    This will be my last post on this subject.

    Owner Of N|U

    Turtletara420: Hahahaha. Pasties Yes Ur the master....always
    Turtletara420: Prob. shouldn't have said that, but yes...Ur the master!!! I bow at ur feet! Oh master how can I serve

  7. #27
    BloodThirsty Pwnerator
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    I was the one that banned u originally for a day. The reason being that we were told to ban both nA admins and any player with a nA tag. I consulted with
    Ender(less) who is the Jr.Owner of DM and he said go ahead and ban u, so i did. sry

    I would like to thankyou for all of the hours u sacrifice to make this community what it is, This is easily the best gaming community out there. The admins/regs here are aweseome and i have gotten to know them pretty well...perhaps some too well .lol.


  8. #28


    Ok,i think that showing regulars what really is going on is good,but also that everyone knows what is going on,they will start to talk shit and cause more problems than there already are.and i can see where the n/a people are coming from.over my last months that i was able to play on n/u were HORRIBLE.i have seen and been a part of the,lets say n/u's "bad side".i saw a lot of admin abuse,tried to help out,but it went no where.i saw people grow grudges on soooo many admins and i know why.and half of these people that I KNOW OF are now n/a members.i believe some of us have just seen a part of n/u that isnt so great.we have been through bad experiences.i know how it feels,i know how bad the servers can be.i know how much of a bitch admins can be.i get where the n/a members come from.but then again n/u has a much BIGGER "brighter" side. there are a lot of great admins,or i dont mean burrito,no mainly talking about sera and scribe.they actually saw what was going wrong with n/u,and what probably is still wrong.i understand nothin is perfect or ever will be.but some of the smallest problems can cause huge problems.i know why office wasn't as popular,well atleast what i heard from 50-60 reg's.i know the owners do not see these problems,and thats why there are respected regulars.they can bring up tese problems and let owners know.and most of the time they are either ignored or nothing is done about it.simply becuase of,lets say seniority???.
    im sorry but thats a bunch of bs.some admins know they have been with n/u for so long that they will be believed over any regular,and that is why they do these wrong actions.they kow nothing will happen to them because they have been admin for 3,4,5etc yrs.i know n/u will not go down,but these small problems can hit n/u can attack the community and have sum of them "turn against us" as some of u make it seem.

    i am not taking sides on this,because i undertsnad where both n/a and n/u come from.
    and to make this clear,this is about ma_duece jax NOT deucenader!
    and as for n/u i have let u guys know sum problems and nothin was done,so hopefully someone can get u to change what is wrong with n/u.


  9. #29


    Ok, I have read most of this thread and as the owner of Noob Asylum, the only thing I have said negative towards N/U, is that Pasties is a fucking moron. I have spoken to him twice and both times he has shown his immaturity to myself. I have nothing against the community as itself and I have NEVER condoned or encouraged recruiting from your servers. People have mentioned it to me, not mentioning names, but I have just said, "No, we are a young and developing server, our servers will start to fill and we will get regulars eventually."

    I love how you all are talking shit about us already. We have done nothing wrong. We heard deuce's story and saw the presentation, that we assumed he showed to you, but we never took judgment. We lol'd whenever deuce talked shit about you guys, but then again, deuce is a funny guy.

    And where do you guys get off saying we are thinking we can start a community overnight? We have been around quite a few and know what to do and what not to do. We don't assume to start immediately and understand it takes time. We are mature and experienced players.

    The NU regulars that have came into our servers have bitched about the community and we, as in the other upper admins and I, never really commented on it much. You all are another community, that is all. We don't expect a friendship, but also don't want to see immediate hostility for nothing.

    Burrito is a fucking retard and him trying to recruit is not my doing. I can't really control him. Also, our servers are not loaded down with a ton on one box. Please don't talk shit if you don't know details. Yes, we have some problems, but we are a new community and are trying to get minor problems and kinks fixed. If you have any problems, nothx is my xfire or email me at


  10. #30
    N|U g0d Kung Fu Master enderless's Avatar
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    I authorized the ban only because i was under the impression that all members from NA were to be banned on sight. Sorry for that.

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