Hahah. If you do it again you should take some screen shots and post them here.
Hey guys, as some of you know, I play on the office server A LOT. Recently tried the other day, I was on CT and ran to side yard where the snow man was. I was kind of bored so I shot his head off and the hat came tumbling down at my feet. I thought for a second... so then I looked at it and pressed E (the use key) and it flew to the other side of the yard haha. Then I got this great idea! I was going to try and get this hat all the way to T spawn and throw it at a hostage. Good challenge to do by 1:30 (time CTs need to have hostages by) yes? Well I can easily say that this brought me out of my state of boredom quickly, and soon I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even shoot enemies any more. Dead Cockless Parrot joined me in this escapade which accounted for most of my laughter because we were literally "passing" the hat to each other like a soccer ball so we could get it to the T spawn quicker. We kicked it through garage spawn, up the stairs, past paper room, shot a few Ts, then Parrot gets shot and killed, I keep running and kicking the hat and shoot it over the little counter where Ts spawn, and right to a hostage's foot! WIN!! IT WAS EPIC!! You guys should try it when you're feeling like messing around. It's so fun!
[U]Keep moving forward even if it kills the people behind you.[/U]<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
Hahah. If you do it again you should take some screen shots and post them here.
easy target: i am going to make some pasties.
Wolfeh: =))?
easy target: lol
easy target: pasta
easy target: not pasties.
Wolfeh: Wow. Nice typo.
Take a demo imo.
In console:
When your ready stop, in console:Code:record epic win
- DottyCode:stop
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]N/U Retiree[/B]
8:45 PM - V A N E S S A: give me a sex
2:53 PM - Tara Ann ت: just wanted to say you're adorable[/COLOR]
hahaha I will next time.
[U]Keep moving forward even if it kills the people behind you.[/U]<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
OH MY GOD! I want to play!
Next time you have to take a demo for sure. OR at least a screen shot of it in T Spawn.
Hey All I'm NoogyMan! You Only Wish You Were Me, But That's Understandable.....Alpha Phi Omega"National Service Fraternity"Pi Omicron ChapterBrother Name : Mister Deeds
demo + slideshow ftw. this just made my mid-afternoon.![]()
haha rogue, i just KNEW it was you posting this shit up xD
we sure had fun finding that new game "kick that hat" xD
the point was kicking it to hosties and then we'd win guaranteed, it actually worked, everytime w got the hat to garage we won the game lmao
I watched the stupidity of mankind through the scope of my rifle[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal]You call down the Thunder, Now reap the Whirlwind[/COLOR]
Hell yeah we won! It was hilarious!
[U]Keep moving forward even if it kills the people behind you.[/U]<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
lez do iz again! xD
I watched the stupidity of mankind through the scope of my rifle[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal]You call down the Thunder, Now reap the Whirlwind[/COLOR]
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