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Thread: Getting GG populated

  1. #21
    Kung Fu Master
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    well i was one of the admins who didnt care what ppl said but when i did it i was just bitched at from jr owners.



  2. #22
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    like i said, if you need more admin in there, i'd like to get admin on a few more servers (the ones that i like to play, or if you need me for some other ones.) but i would really like to see bots be put back on. i think it would help with getting them populated from 0 ppl. everyone says it runs for hours after it gets populated; this is a way to address getting it populated quickly. as for map rotation, i really don't want to see it go to just the few ppl like to play. but i also don't want to play maps that literally empty the server either. hence rotating new maps in and out based on how well ppl like them. it's work, so you'd have to decide whether or not it's worth it.


  3. #23
    CaNNoN fOddEr Kung Fu Master SmurfSniper's Avatar
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    I agree with most of what your saying. but the map thing I really dont think would work... there really wouldnt be any rotation at all.... the same maps would always be there everytime and for the most part anything other than those specific maps wouldnt have a chance.. It would be awsome if we could get some of regs to encourage people to try different maps, but I think a snowball has a better chance in hell O_o me and drink spent days trying to line up a good rotation that split up new and old maps and dunno what even happened to our list but it never even happened...

  4. #24
    t3h camper Trained Monkey
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    hmmm... maybe we can try throwing a few old maps that were popular into roation... like FALLING TRASH!!!! for the most part the server wants maps that are small clusterfucks that dont encourage camping (im the exception) and are easy to get knife kills why dont you look for some like that and see what they think. I may be wrong, but in ever map group you put on the server the regs only like 1-2 maps so maybe try putting on a group of 5-6 maps hope they like one and add it and remove the others then repeat until you have a rotation that the regs enjoy. also try adding maps that are popular on other servers.

  5. #25
    CaNNoN fOddEr Kung Fu Master SmurfSniper's Avatar
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    well seeing as how we done that several times before... we would get "hey this map is pretty cool" then another saying the map sucks.... that one person saying "this map sucks lets go to something else" spreads like a virus and people say the map sucks without even giving it a chance... sorry lol I myself have spent countless hours looking through 150+ pages of gg maps trying to find maps that would fit the server. and most of those maps was exactly what you describe cog, but the end result is always the same.
    we even made it a rule that no admin could change the map... if the players wanted a mapchange they had to have a successfull votemap... but, apparently some didnt like that rule and would change them anyway. I think the only rule that is followed now is the knife vote percentage and amount of knife rounds.
    now if you want to get the whole map suggestion thread going again and get people to actually suggest maps maybe we could set something up one weekend and test some new maps and try to tie them in with the current popular maps like me n drink done before. we went through an entire list of the maps and sorted out what didnt need to be there, then set up a test server and had regs from gg join on us to check out the maps and tell thier opinions. of course every map we chose had 100% approval from everyone in there (dot can confirm this he was there)... so basicly when it was being tested.... everyone liked it and thought it would be a great gg map.... then they hit the servers and was played a couple of times tops and it was back to the norm.
    I know Im no longer Jr owner there but I would still do whatever to help the server, although I am limited on time (saturday nights pretty much)... and now I think my ass is going to bed I put in a 12 hr shift last night and my eyes are fighting me right now trying to shut....

    quick suggestion on a good rotation.... or at least my thoughts
    when I say old, I mean maps that are way overplayed like shotty, deagle, or run n gun (which by the way is a full brite map and needs lighting cough cough) all still great maps! but they just bore me anymore, I like seeing new shit
    new, old, old, new, new, old, new, old, old, new, old, new, new, old, new-something like that :P
    or hell... new, old, new, old, new old would work
    Last edited by SmurfSniper; 02-24-2010 at 07:51 AM.

  6. #26
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    point in case.

    Monday or so, we were on that pool map and the nextmap was something they didnt like, before the map even ended some are just sittin in spec and your seein votemap fly through the chatbox! I was like god damnit...if i dont votemap theyll all bitch and leave, so we ended up votemapping to shotty.
    I honestly dont think there is a way to fix the map problem. And the admin problem doesnt exist since freebase is in there half of his life and most regs have myself and other admins on their friendslist.
    Perhaps a more pro-gg active jr owner needs to take action, no offense to organ, but i think gg ran best when drink and smurf were jr owners because of their activity there. It slowly whithered away after they both left.
    The whitelist that blocked all the hackers pissed the cheating regs off, most of them resent n/u now.

    If nothing i said makes sense its cuz im high as fuck just rambling on in study hall lol. Ill prolly edit this when i get home.

    [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]N/U Retiree[/B]

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  7. #27
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    @ smurf. i like the idea of the map rotation. and as cogbern said about trying the new ones, that's what i meant. if you say it won't work, i'll go with what you say, seeing as how you've got more experience than me in just your little toe. but i would like to think of some way to get some new maps in there. i know minesweeper used to be a map no one could stand and was votemapped everytime we went there(i personally liked it). now it's one that's played often and ppl like it. so they must grow on ppl or something. but whatev's.


  8. #28
    CaNNoN fOddEr Kung Fu Master SmurfSniper's Avatar
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    see thats the thing vince.... most of the maps on there would be liked more if people would just give them a chance and learn them... like I said if the regs would push more to NOT votemap off anything thats not shotty, weaver, run n gun, deagle, or whatever Im missing.... then it would make it easier but the maps are not given a chance at all... it takes more than a couple times playing it to get the feel of a map, but nobody wants to do that... everyone in there likes to win or get a good score, and its easier to do that on a map they know everything about. Everyone has got the mindset that winning or getting a high ranking is all that matters (which it is nice to win)... the fun of the game is ruined for me by this mindset... Ill finish later Im at work right now and I really gotta get my ass moving.
    ok.... where was I

    to me some of the things that have ruined gg....

    1. people caring to much about stats....
    2. people always asking for new maps, but once they are on the server they wont play them (EVEN maps suggested by regs)
    3. MIC SPAMMING! you have 20 people in the server, at least 15 are trying to talk... all at the same time. and I am not going to point out specific people but they get louder and louder everytime they talk cause they want to be heard over everyone
    4. Material wallhacks! I dont like pointing this out, but its definately a problem. IT IS CHEATING and if you are using them you have no right to even be playing the game!
    5. Last but not least.... people dont know how to just have fun anymore. winning is everything to them ( which I guess goes along with #1)

    I am going to come out and say this, and I have never really voiced this before on the forums. all of the above are reasons why I dont play gg anymore, AND partially the reason why I am no longer Jr. owner... yes I have run into money issues that helped push my decision, but all in all I just lost hope in trying to make the server fun for everyone... once the bickering between regs started and all the complaining on top of that.. it just wasnt fun like the gg server I couldnt get enough of...

    I appologize if I have offended anyone. I am just saying.

    Last edited by SmurfSniper; 03-01-2010 at 07:55 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  9. #29
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    unfortunately, i'd have to agree with you. i love gg because it's just a different style of gameplay. i used to love playing it for the fun of it. i love new maps, because i DON'T know how the map works and i think it's fun trying to get to know them. ppl can go nuts with votekick/voteban just bc they get mad that someone killed them. it's a freaking game. it's supposed to be entertainment. my goal is to have fun and attempt to either win with as best a score as i can manage, stop everyone else from winning(this is a lot of fun) or just getting as close to winning as i can. it's supposed to be FUN. i don't know. i've got 2 gg servers in my favorites just in case n/u's drives me nuts. another issue i've had recently on there is teamwhoring. the skilled regs almost always go t to teamstack it. where's the fun? i like going ct or autoteam just to try and get them mad that they can actually die. enh.


  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmurfSniper View Post
    ok.... where was I

    to me some of the things that have ruined gg....

    1. people caring to much about stats....
    2. people always asking for new maps, but once they are on the server they wont play them (EVEN maps suggested by regs)
    3. MIC SPAMMING! you have 20 people in the server, at least 15 are trying to talk... all at the same time. and I am not going to point out specific people but they get louder and louder everytime they talk cause they want to be heard over everyone
    4. Material wallhacks! I dont like pointing this out, but its definately a problem. IT IS CHEATING and if you are using them you have no right to even be playing the game!
    5. Last but not least.... people dont know how to just have fun anymore. winning is everything to them ( which I guess goes along with #1)

    1. Thats the thing with thats, they don't really work with gun game at all. The point of gun game is to win not to get kills. The stats have to get configured in a way that winning gets you a lot of points and kills get you little points? Try to add a knifed event in the stats that give you a bit more points and a level up / multi level in the same round event. Something to make the stats a little more gun game friendly.

    2. It's really up to prefrence on the map thing, personaly snice the server is "old school" keep all the old maps on there. Find the map rotation from two years ago when I first got there and everything was fine.

    3. Admins need to step up more and mute some bitchs, that's what I have to do and if they reconnect to get around the mute, I have to perma-mute them.

    4. Didn't we already have another topic on this and sio said he was going to fix it? Looks like it's not been implemented... Turn on sv_pure 2 while he gets the list straight.

    5. Can't really say much about this because it's true, it's a combination of everything we have been talking about here.

    Also, if the server is lacking population, get some admins on there to stay for a while and get it populated. I had to do this for my server when it first went up and a couple of times after. You need to be dedicated. I would sit there for hours some times before someone joined and it would get full shortly after. Just a thought.
    For the gungame stats thing.

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    Last edited by Naso; 03-01-2010 at 09:42 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

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