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Thread: What Money Can't Buy...

  1. #21
    N/U Commando
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    I have been here just as long as c-man i been here be for siosios. That was the first map i played on when i came here it is its roots. It has been here since this place has started. I was really up set to see it go but it was empty. But c-man i know you for a long time now man and im not saying you didnt make this server what it was and im not saying you wasnt. But there are a lot of ppl in here that are admin and Jr. Owners and regs. that have made this place what it is today even though it is falling apart right now. But by you saying and doing what your doing is makeing you look like an ass. i love you to death but your only making your self look bad. As for pasties removeing your admin after you telling him you where going to donate that was wrong and shoudnt have been done but you should have to pay like all of us do. As a jr Owner i spent a lot of time in Gun Game cleaning it up and making it a better server and i dont care if i did it with help or if i didnt because i didnt everyone in here has helped make this place what it is. I know your upset and hurt over what has happend but we all do are part so should we pay yes we should we love what we do we love the servers so we keep them alive by doing so. I hope you doint get ban or you dont leave over something this dumb but there is a biger pic. then you or me or anyone else thats the servers because with out them we wouldnt be here talking about stupid shit like this.

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" width="560" height="95" /></a>

  2. #22
    Kung Fu Master
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    First off - I did not remove Maltykills, scubahoods admin - they are Owners.
    The admins that i did remove: cmac, kravin, vit, thunder, niceguy(my brother).
    Now, you must understand, that these four have been with me from the start of N|U. I love them all. They have all had free admin, since the very start of nu. The only reason i never asked them to donate is because they were here since the very start and helped me personally everyday look after these servers. This back then was a very hard job... and shit they did a very good job at doing it. Including cmac making Office_Unlimited...which in all good ways was a major aspect in us becoming "popular". This was not the only reason, we had good servers, good admins ... etc..

    I have had complaints about some admins not having to pay before, and pretty much told the admins who complained...that that was the way it was...and if they didnt like it, it was too bad. They did not drop there admin then and there, but within two weeks they both removed there admin.

    If we did not come up with some money then no one was going to have admin. So, sio and I were thinking of ways to cut some costs, which included dropping the vent server, removing hlstats from all server(replacing with anohter stat system) bla bla bla. So, I mentioned to sio that i was going to remove all admin that had free admin, I didnt want to do it, but it seemed the best thing for the community at the time.

    So, first i told cmac, that i was going to have to remove his admin, if he wasnt able to donate $20.00 monthly. now...I thought that this was not going to be a big deal as he had a steady job and loved nu as much as i did, this was not the case...he pretty much told me that, since he asked about jr owner the night before( which i had forgotten about) that i was trying to manipulate him into paying, which was not the case. He basically called me a liar and i told him to fuck off. He later removed me from his steam friends(which i have had him on for 5 years).

    Next i went to thunder, told him pretty much the same thing...he told me that he couldnt help atm, but would as soon as he could. I apologized and told him that we would be here when he was able too.

    Next i went to kravin, who is a rl friend of mine, known him for 20+ years and talk to him once a week at least, who i consider a friend. And i know he loves nu as much as i do.....he was devastated at the aspect of having to pay for admin, for a community that he loves. he thought that nothing would benefit nu by him and other good admins, losing their admin...only that there would be less admin to admin the servers...which is true, but again i had lost $40.00 from two other admins, from them not paying.

    All in all, I guess it was a bad decision, cause i lost two good admins. but it was something that i felt had to happen sooner or later. Do i regret it? it going to change? no. I didnt ask them for them to get mad or pissed off. It's just business, I have to do something, if not we wouldnt be here!

    ps. I did not ban, kick, yell at anyone, I am not mad at anyone...and i hope you all understand why i did what i did.

    I do not want to hear anyone else bad mouth anyone else, If i see this, I will remove your post from this thread. cmac had good reason, a little misguided i think, I think he feels he should have admin for free, he may be right. I had some harsh decisions to make, and i made them. I am sorry for those of you, that didnt like it.

    Turtletara420: Hahahaha. Pasties Yes Ur the master....always
    Turtletara420: Prob. shouldn't have said that, but yes...Ur the master!!! I bow at ur feet! Oh master how can I serve

  3. #23
    Trailor Trash
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    LOL calisse quvous etes cave


  4. #24
    Inactive Trailor Trash
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    I love cmac however this is crazy. Lets look at this in perspective..lets say 3 years. 12*3*20$=720$ I think you've been paid for that map and should pay like everyone else. Look at me for example I'm currently not in a position to donate (just bought a car) however in a month I hope to be able to donate and get my admin $ = No Admin

  5. #25
    N/U Special Forces
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    Kids don't do drugs in school!=D
    [COLOR="Magenta"]6:32 PM - V A N E S S A: umm i have to go to the store in alittle when i come back i'll go on
    6:32 PM - V A N E S S A: since i misss YOHHHH SOOO MUCHH![/COLOR]
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="n00bunlimited TeamSpeak Viewer" title="n00bunlimited TeamSpeak Viewer" border="0" /></a>

  6. #26
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    The newer N00bs don't know it, but if it wasn't for the Office U server, N/U would not exist in its current form. I might not be the oldest member here, but back when I joined N/U like 3 or 4 years ago (I forget when), it was because of Office U. I would have stopped playing CS:S if not for that server. That's why it was up so long though. It's the server that started it all, and our whole community came from it. All the oldies like Vit and Thunder and Tara came from that server.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  7. #27
    N/U Commando
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    hell i love that server and i loved coming in and playing with all the old heads that all you newbes dont know i was one of the old heads form that server and im still here to this day bceauce of it.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" width="560" height="95" /></a>

  8. #28
    Kung Fu Master
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    and of course you forget me nat lol



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