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Thread: What Money Can't Buy...

  1. #1
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    Thumbs down What Money Can't Buy...

    Not to be a glory whore, or claim anything for my own, but here are a few facts about me:

    - I have served this community for over 5 years.
    - I have created the map that made this community boom about 3-4 years ago and even though it is not played today, i hear from people nearly daily about how successful it was.
    - I even came up with the name for this community; I named my map cs_office_unlimited... soon after the community adopted the name for itself.

    Now, after all of that service, it is not enough to the so called "Owners" of this community. A few days ago i, as well as many others who served this community got literally kicked out, striped of admin and given the choice to donate that cold hard cash or no longer serve this community.

    As i said, it is not just me who this happened to, you may recognize some of these 5 and 6+ year old names such as Kravin, Scubahood, Maltykill, Thunder, and many more.

    I can understand and appreciate the need for cash donations to keep the servers alive, but does that make my hard work and time worthless?.. it seems to be the case. So, if I were to donate or not, removing my admin and preventing me from serving the community helps or hurts? Its clear to me that Pasties removed my admin with the intent to manipulate me into donating money. I am truly disgusted with this act, and felt this story should be shared with the real owners of this community, that is all of you.

    - C M A C

  2. #2
    g0d! Contributing Member siosios's Avatar
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    why are you so special, other then creating a map, that you shouldnt follow in the other admins shoes?

    im not being biased but unless the server donations goal is met the whole community goes down not just one server.

    ps: ranting at me when it was pasties decision to pull non paying admins powers was something i least expected from you after the shit that went on a few yrs back.

    im not going to comment any further in this topic becuase all the admin donations things are about to stop anyways and we will leave it up to fate if this community stays up or down.

    Last edited by siosios; 07-20-2009 at 03:20 PM.

    |W0rd|SexualTurtletara420ת/ύ: Hey there daddy..

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  3. #3
    The Soopa Koopa Troopa N/U Marine
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    I am not bad mouthing you personally cmac, I really like you, I love your map. But there are some of us who put a fuckload of work into this comunity, and have nothing to show for it. We still donate time and money, we may not make maps, and may have not been here the whole time. I know things are being restructerd, but it annoys me that everyone thinks that they deserve something, just for being part of the community. This shit won't just stay together becuase we polulate it, and make maps. It requires money as well. By all means we need people like you cmac, and we want to keep everyone gaming with us, but the lack of money cuased, some stress, and ultimately the decision, that everyone who did not donate, would lose admin. How are we to treat certain people diffrent? Not that you shouldn't have admin, I beleive you should, but tight funds, and losing everything, is more important than one persons admin, no matter who that is. but after all the ranting I understand, and hope what siosios/pasties, are doing to change things makes everything better. And I hope to game with you soon
    Soopa Koopa Troopa
    As & Ks

  4. #4
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    im by no means saying im the only one who does shit, but i am saying.. i have donated a crap load of my time and yet i am being treated differently than those who pay a few bucks a month.
    you know whats funny, i talked to pasties and sio the day before my admin was taken away about becoming a jrowner on here... then the next day pasties says well u pay or lose admin... clearly, he was trying to force me to start paying even though i just talked to him about it the previous day.

    as i said before im not tryign to be a glory whore or pretend to be something im not.. but when this place started sooo many years ago.. i will easily say that i had a lot to do with its success. when we had that unlimited server going.. huge fuckin server, full every night. it was a great time and anyone who was around back then knows it was.
    maybe my last post makes this seem like im some kid whos pissed about losing admin, or cant afford to donate. neither of these are true, im not one of the people who goes on there and talks in green chat trying to feel powerful and shit, thats what nub admins do, i go on there and keep the fuckin server running smoothly, i know what hackers look like because i have hacked, i know what to look for, i know the rules. so removing me from that position does exactly what? one less experienced person to take care of business.

    the bit that gets me is how i was ready to start donating money, i told pasties and sio i was going to.. told them that on my own without them asking or anything, then the next day pasties says hes removing my admin? did he expect me to fucking get down on my knees and fuckin throw money at him after he basically said pay or lose admin. thats a fucking slap in teh face after working so hard, putting so much fucking time into this shit.
    anyone who fucking does anything here can vouch for that, how would you feel after months of work, and years of service suddenly mean nothing?

    so fuckin call me a glory whore or bitch about me sounding conceded.
    this place would not be the n00b unlimited it is today with out c m a c. period. So if you are fucking ready to lose that kind of person, then fuck you.

    this isnt just about me makign a map sio, where you even around back when that shit was hot? you cant judge if im special for makign that map or not. my point is, that map put NU on the fuckin map. take that as you wish.
    Last edited by CMAC; 07-20-2009 at 04:49 PM.

  5. #5
    Kung Fu Master
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    well let me say this first. i know you have been around here since this community started. and yes you have made an awesome map which helped to make NU what it is today. and i can understand what your saying somehow but why starting this crap here now? if u can donate why didnt you just say ill do it tomorrow or something. dont you think it would be a bit unfair if you get free admin just cause uve been around here since this community exists and made a map for it?
    just look at natalya. hell i duno how many maps she made for zm. and she has been around since forever. and shes doing much more than you. shes adding and removing maps to servers, she writes plugins and everything, she does so much. and is she asking for free admin? no shes not
    i know i havent been around from the beginning on but not much later than that. ive spend a lot of time playing in the NU servers. and since i became an admin here i spend a lot of money. i just checked it. december 2007 was my first month as an admin. since then i donated 515€ which is like 730$ after the recent exchange rate. hell thats a lot of money for me and id be a happy man if i could have that here now. but i donate cause this is the best community in my opinion. i dont want to see it die. i try to do my best to keep the servers going as good as possible, i get in the servers when some1 wants me to come in even when im playing a different game. i just want the best for this community. and since donating is one of the things that kept this community alive i just did it.
    once again i duno why ur starting all this here but i can understand you somehow. but yea i just wanted to give out my 2 cents.

    and no im not trying to get in any1s ass to make myself look good.



  6. #6
    g0d! Contributing Member siosios's Avatar
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    first conversation with cmac:
    Conversation started between siosios and |w0rd|C-MAC: Sun, Nov 26 19:06:15 2006

    bad referance but fpsbanana shows the map added 2 years ago:
    FPSBANANA > Maps > CS:S > Hostage Rescue > cs_office_unlimited_fixed

    personally i dont care cmac your tossing this on me like i did it to you but every other admin here does more then you have in the last 2 yrs for this community.

    name one thing youve done here in the last 6 months that has benifited the comunity as a whole? (being an admin doesnt count)

    as for me ive done nothing but work on n00bunlimited in its entirety from before the date i talked to you listed above and until a year ago I DID IT ALONE!

    so who has done more for everyone... you with 2 - 3 maps of the same office? or me with the multiple servers and changes and requests daily to add things or remove things?

    i think i win on that count. you want to challenge me with comments like:

    Monday, July 20, 2009
    2:17 PM - c м д c: you guys are fucked you know that
    2:17 PM - c м д c: i fucking coem up with the name for this god damn community, but because i didnt donate cold ahrd cash im nothing?
    2:18 PM - c м д c: fuck you bitches
    2:18 PM - c м д c: i donated my fucking time and creativity into this fuckin place
    2:18 PM - c м д c: fuckin think about
    c м д c is now Offline.

    when im the one has done the majority of the work when it comes to how things run around here.

    even natalya has contributed more then your ass yet you still strive to antagonize me with your whining when pasties does something to you. pathetic is all i have to say

    go make your maps else where bud i think im done with you for sure this time. pasties made me chat with you so you could get unbanned and what not for past history, but not this time becuase this time i had nothing to do with it and you still drug my name into it

    see ya
    Last edited by siosios; 07-20-2009 at 06:22 PM.

    |W0rd|SexualTurtletara420ת/ύ: Hey there daddy..

    \\\ ///
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  7. #7
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    All I've learned here is that the past participle of drag is drug. >_>

    I'm not gonna say anything particular about this though because I have my own bones to chew.
    Last edited by Natalya; 07-20-2009 at 08:34 PM.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  8. #8
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    I wouldn't want to be part of a community that bows down to people that try to throw themselves around like this. I don't know your story, and I don't know you. But I know a lot of the admins on here put a tremendous amount of hours and work and money into keeping these servers alive and fun. This is a community. It's not one person. I wasn't here but I will tell you without a doubt that this community didn't start from one person or one map. This is one of the best communities out there as well as some of the best servers out there and it's personally insulting to me that you are upset about being asked to donate?

    Sorry if I'm butting my nose where it doesn't belong, but this is a community of a couple Owners that put a lot of time into the servers/forums, a few great map makers and server monkeys, and about 70 other admins that are happy to donate their time and money to keeping the community up since they enjoy the community so much. Again, sorry but this pisses me off, it's a community and not one guy and no matter how hard you try, one person won't be able to build and keep a community like this.

  9. #9
    Kung Fu Master
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    Shouldnt this be in the admin section?
    [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]N/U Retiree[/B]

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    2:53 PM - Tara Ann ت: just wanted to say you're adorable[/COLOR]

  10. #10
    PeaceKeeper & Admin|AΦΩ| Kung Fu Master NoogyMan's Avatar
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    I don't know why i'm even bothering but hell here it goes.... Cmac... man...... your being a dumb fucked retard. Like Sajora said why bitch on here when you could, you know, PAY and have fun instead of bitch about maps and you and creating and 6 years of your life and you know, you make it seem like your admin was stolen from a hacker or something. NOPE.... you haven't paid for it where as others have! I mean in your opinion as to why you should have your admin back there would be people making maps 24/7 just to have admin and well that doesn't help much because without the money THERE WILL BE NO SERVER TO PUT THE FUCKING MAP{s} ON.

    but on a brighter note Nat is right its drug.

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