if fearmeh is an admin plz move this to the admin section we can all see where this is going...
im sorry to announce but i am leaving the gg for reasons already known, like the "new admin". i already dont trust him and hes now an admin which makes n/u look very bad. sorry for saying that but its true.
Last edited by fearmeh; 05-19-2009 at 02:18 PM. Reason: cuz i can
if fearmeh is an admin plz move this to the admin section we can all see where this is going...
What do you honestly expect to accomplish with this post/your leaving this community? The jr. owners of GG have given the go ahead for shnarf. Leaving because of some personal vendetta is childish to say in the least; supporting the community is not done through action alone (playing in the servers and/or donating) but having faith in those who take time out of their day to work toward making sure N|U has the best servers out there. Being a (former?) GG admin i would expect more from you.
[center][COLOR="Red"]|Ň/Ú| siosios: thise 2 cab cgat at ne wgeb u waje yo ub ub the morning im too drunk right noiw[/COLOR][/center]
if thats the way you are going to be. then i am sorry to see you leave. we give people a chance and i was hoping that given the past that the gg server has had, i was hoping that you guys would be behind us on the choice that we take. we are trying to help all. regarless of who gets what in the server. you can not judge someone on past rumors, i understand that he does come off a bit harsh, but i thought you guys would be bigger then that and help were need be.
Your not dedicated to the server. Your leaving for the wrong reasons.
If your decision is simply made upon a player than you were here for the wrong reasons.
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]N/U Retiree[/B]
8:45 PM - V A N E S S A: give me a sex
2:53 PM - Tara Ann ت: just wanted to say you're adorable[/COLOR]
Grow up. how well do you really know him? have you sat down and talked w/him? maybe he is cool. maybe you just jellous that he is better then most of the people that play there. so fucking what. get over it. i like you and him. there is no valid reason not to get along with him. if you have problems. oh well. that is something you'll have to deal with on your own terms.
me being admin, i don't always get along with him. so what. i'm not being childish. he knows the ruls of the server. he knwo how to spot people hacking. and all in all he has caught a lot of shit for BS reasons. and handled it rather will i think.
so maybe he shoot knifes. it's fucking gg, there are no rules that say you can't do that. the goal is to kill or be killed. he does more killin that most.
get over yourself.
Blaming a gun for killing someone is like blaming a pencil for a miss spelled word.
fine then i wont leave dammit
good. but you know.. your back knifing shit can leave though.
Blaming a gun for killing someone is like blaming a pencil for a miss spelled word.
btw i never said i was leaving the community just the gg but ima try not to be childish, i guess i need to act like a grownup. and like i said in the past it is just a game :P
and badfish ur the BADDIE
Last edited by fearmeh; 05-19-2009 at 06:22 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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