ok so far i have the below listed admins showing abuse of thier powers:


you 4 have slaped or slayed entire teams multiple times and i will not stand for it.

ICEBITCH - sort this out before i do... this is the last time im going to bother being passive on the issue!

any others i catch will be dealt with promptly by the owners if the jr-owners cant handle it.

here are some of the rules our admin are to adhere to:

1) when dead lay off the mics! <-- even admin MUST conform to this rule!!!
2) 1 min and 30 seconds is the deadline for camping ALL team mates must be moving to obtain the objective at that point... slay people that ARE NOT heading to thier objective.
3) teamswitching is a part of the servers and the map will NOT be restarted becuase you were team switched. if i find anyone restarting servers becuase they were switched i will remove all access to the comands to switch maps or restart the servers!!
4) mic spamming is considered anything over 30 seconds and is a convesation that is not dealing with counterstrike (hence we have a thing called TEAMSPEAK that you all are required to be in while in game!)
5)demo's are required for ALL perm bans or perm ban requests by admins (only jr-owners and owners are allowed the rights to perm ban). anyone banning perm with out permission will be removed from having the rights to ban on the ban website.
6) any and all complaints against other admin go directly to the jr-owners of that server (unless you are a jr-owner then it goes to the owners)
7)jr-owners run thier servers, admins that come directly to the owners will be sent back to the jr-owners for that server.
teleporting and no-clip by admin is prohibited... abuse of these commands will get them removed. (i dont see any worthwhile reason for ANYONE to use them)
9) do your jobs while in game! dont wait for another admin to deal with it, just get it done.
10) respect your fellow admin. disputes in game or in front of the public will NOT be tolorated in any shape, way, form.
11)treat N/U and its servers as if you were a guest in someones house... keep it clean and orginized and maintained. in other words visit the forums and chat with regulars that love being here... deal with issues in game promptly...dont disrespect players with out cause to do so.

and some more:

1. you WILL be in teamspeak when in game no more exceptions!
2. you WILL be in the forums replying to posts and doing your part keeping this community active!
3. you WILL listen to what the owners of this community tell you
4. picking on players (no matter how funny you THINK it is) is admin abuse and WILL not be tolerated!
5. you WILL be signed in on xfire while on line!
6. you WILL extend the common courtesy of respect to ALL players!
7. do your jobs and be the admin we expect you to be.

enough said