I've received several messages from steam friends providing a phishing link. I've included the edited link, as well some pics that will hopefully help people determine the difference between a fake link and the real thing.

Yourname.9hz.com! Free url forwarding/redirection [link edited]

1) Screen shot of the fake page. As you can see, it's made to look like a steam login page but is in fact not.

2)You can determine the authenticity of the page in question by right clicking> View Page info. As you can see, the page in question is not registered with Valve (Owner=none) and does not have any security signing. Verisign usually costs $100+ a month to register, and most scammers won't even bother.

3) Actual steam community page. The Verisign security ticket is viewable and registered to Valve.

Viewing the above link will not cause your account to be hi-jacked; supplying your user name/pw will, however. 99% of steam account hi-jacks are user error. If you don't want to lose your account, do some research before logging into any linked site.