Hey All,

It's Owns. I recently (a couple of weeks ago) began playing Gungame again, as L4D and other games have lost their wow factor. Well, since coming back I have noticed that there are only 4 maps in the rotation which get played. Run n Gun, Weaver Close Combat (Every 10 minutes), Minesweeper, and Aim_Shotty..with the occasional stray map (such as deagle or poolday) added to the rotation. This rotation is done completely by RTV, and where as it used to tell the players that "This map has been played recently", it does not anymore, and it leaves those of us who just played a map that they vote for, to either leave or wait it out.

Now, I can understand that people like these maps, but what about those of us who want some variety? We get told to "stop complaining" and "leave if we don't like it". I beg of whoever has the power to do so, to bring back the RTV app which would not allow a map to be played within a certain amount of time.

I have dealt with it long enough and decided now, to voice my opinion on the lack of variety on the GG server. Old maps such as stone world, and all of the other ones have become forgotten to the 4 maps that keep getting played over and over and over, and it becomes a bit sickening and repetitive.

It's this bad, Yesterday, Killer had to manually change the map to a different one, as he knew that they RTV'd to the same maps over and over. I'm sorry if the "players want it this way", but there are many who don't and I am one. How about a little variety people?