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Thread: I leave with a sorry.

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  1. #1

    Default I leave with a sorry.

    I'm sure you all know by now I got banned for hacking on another server... At first I didn't think it was THAT big of a deal, since I wasn't on N/U or nothing mixing it in... Kept it real with N/U. I mean being an admin taught me a lot, apparently not enough. Did a lot for Pen and the D2 as you said Pen "Slap to the face", didn't do this on purpose to ya or anything of that sort. I just kinda slipped back a step from where I came. I guess being 16 still a kid wasn't ready as I thought I was for being up to the challenge... I hope you guys that I know would still talk to me, would understand if you hated me I guess. I know a simple sorry won't fix this, but my dad said always to try and make peace with those that I've done wrong 2. So what I'm trying to do here is exactly that. I give my FULL apologies 2 you all and leave without question and take my actions with me, Hopefully I can get my stuff together in life and won't take many of these steps back each time I make one forward as a young man.


    P.S. Goes to Pen, I assume you hate me a lot right now... maybe forever know your not one to take stuff back. Hope you can forgive me in time, cause I did look up 2 you. I still do got great love for you man always and forever, appreciate all you did for me.

  2. #2


    bad try, bad job, nice fail but i still love you
    good luck elementh2o

  3. #3


    came as a surprise to me. i guess im gonna have to have a talk with pen now. Too bad, i liked you and you will be missed.

  4. #4

    Default WHAT!!!!!

    did i fuckin miss something??? does this mean the element is no longer...just buy another game and start a new there more to this than meets the eye??
    element, "cat", fuck tards....damn you all to hell...
    do you realize that there are a small number of ppl in n/u that other ppl look up to? do you realize the billet that the three of you held? i pride myself for gaying better players than, my non hacking, camping, noobing self, and you three are on top of that list. what are other, newer players gonna think when they find out the players they look up to have been three crushed some hope, the hope where noobs have the thought that one day they could be as good as the three of you, now their hope was based on a hack download........that is my ass chewing to the three of you...i do appriciate the three of you taking some good care of me, with, and during the game, for now i must return the favor and, being the father of n/u, i will take you under my wing, i will scold you, i will make you feel lower than worm shit, i will take you to the e.r. to surgically remove my foot from your asses, but mostly, i will forever be behind you. i love you guys....get your shit straight, and get your asses back into the game...a.s.a.p., so you can get "GAYED" by the fish!
    let me know if ther is any way that i can help,
    for i am: THE "FISH"

  5. #5
    Inactive N/U Marine
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    damn element sorry to see you go man you where a good admin but cant be fucking around like that man what if u get VAC banned then u have no more CSS......sure will miss ya man hope u learned for ur mistake

    baddie fishy signing off..

  6. #6


    Well I was not going to reply being the big dick that I am, I cant hold my toung. Element you have done a really good fucken job with Dust2 and working on populating it. The one thing that really gets me pissed off is, we have tryed so hard to keep the N/U community clean of hackers,respect all players and respect all other communitys that anyone my stubbles apon. You guys (catalyst, tomith, element) have disrespected N/U, and Pen. and many more admins and players that stuck there neck out for you guys. What makes you think you can go to other servers and fuck with there players and run them out of the community they love to play on? Then of all things you guys take players they have been banned from N/U and use there name when hacking!! That is bull shit! wheather you like someone or you dont, that is disrespect! what if they went to that server liked it and then was banned for some dumb fuck using his name?

    Element when we confronted you guys, you had no care in the world and thought everything was just fine. when asking "why did you do it"? you replyed with, "its funny". Cheating does not stand in my book every. not matter where you are or what server you are on! Well we were talking to you, you were being a smart ass and thought me and pen were crazy for over reacting.

    This is gonna put a dent in the Dust2 server as well and the N/U community! you told us you were on different accounts. well i can say i have my eye out for you guys on any account you got.

    There is one thing, Id like to Thank catalyst for comeing back into the vent all was said and done and apologizing. I do appreciate it. You said your peace and told us where you were comeing from and whyd you hacked.

    From me to anyone else....
    In my book cheats are never ok! Cheats and fucking with servers is bull shit and I never ever hope to find any of N/U admins or regulars or anyone that has to do with N/U hacking! If so I Will see to it that you never make your way back into N/U AGAIN!


  7. #7
    The Soopa Koopa Troopa N/U Marine
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    I have to apoligize for not saying something sooner, I knew it was going on even tho it only started a couple of days ago. I was trying to be a good influence, it did not work as well as I thought. I will try to be better from now on.
    Soopa Koopa Troopa
    As & Ks

  8. #8
    Inactive Pwnerator
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    i can understand u not narcing on your friends

    you guys were good players, good friends, good regulars
    you will be missed but you fuck around with hacks your gonna suffer the consequences

    see you around

    Its only gay if you push back

  9. #9
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Not even sure what to say to this.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  10. #10
    Kung Fu Master
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    I will tell you one thing, I am very disappointed in all of you, to think that we let you in our community. in our servers, vent, xfire...among other things admin. We have been very careful in our community to not let just any admin with money get admin, but i guess it couldnt hold off forever. I have spoken with pen about the whole situation. I have had my suspicions about you since you were good on dust2, but sucked in scrims. As far as i am concerned, you will never be allowed back here to play EVER!

    As far as, sooper kooper, I hold you just as responsiable as the rest, although you never hacked. you are just as bad for letting it happen. neither pen or I are going to take any action against you. but just to let you know i am disappointed.

    I am going to enter your steam id's in our KAC database, so hopefully if nothing else, you will have to spend another $25.00 on another cs account, and maybe this time you will have enough respect for your fellow admins, players, friends...and mainly yourself. From what i hear you had a lot of friends here, and now you are not going to be able to hang with any of them.

    Owner of N|U

    p.s. I hope the 2 minutes of fun you had on that poor server was worth it, I a couple of days after you read this, I will be banning you from this website. sa well as catalyst and tomith

    Turtletara420: Hahahaha. Pasties Yes Ur the master....always
    Turtletara420: Prob. shouldn't have said that, but yes...Ur the master!!! I bow at ur feet! Oh master how can I serve

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