On 1-11-09 in the evening I was playing CS:S on your zm server when all of a sudden the screen said kicked and banned. I tried to get in and it let me in. I asked the admin why I was kicked and he said that it was because I had a gay porn spray. I told him that I do not have a gay porn spray and that I have not changed my spray from when I first got the game and that spray was one supplied with CS:S, I also said that it might have been a Korean player that was following my around and putting his spray up, but I didn't pay attention to what it was . I was kicked and banned for good this time. Your server is my favorite one and I believe that I should not have been banned. If I did have those sprays I would oblige with the admin and not complain. I did not cheat, use gay porn sprays, or break any other rules. My steam id is STEAM_0:01655800112 and my name in CS:S is Dr Pepper(when I was banned is also had the Noob Unlimited tag)