WE all need to work together on getting this server up and running again. it shouldn't take me to message everyone and there mom to join up in the server which i dont mind i will still be the pain in the ass to do that, but it would take all of us to do this not waiting for someone to message you to get into the server. You, yourself and your friends ask them to join wit you and pass it on. Its like when you heard a house party was happing on the weekend one person told another and so on and so forth. Just saying to join is just 50 % of the work saying and Doing is knocking 100% out, but saying, doing, and spreading the word is going above and beyond and thats what we need to do. So im asking for everyones help dont alwasy jump the gun to joing up in office,Gungame, crackhouse ect., think bout Dust2 in the list. So you guys with me?