I guess you can say that I'm apologizing about my previous actions on the GunGame server, You could say that I'm bitching sombody out, Meh its all whatever. Those of you that know me, Know that I cant shut the fuck up for 10 seconds, I cant say somthing without the word fuck in it. Meh Whatever.
The only person that seems to have a real problem with me, and I'm sure I'm wrong on this one. ( Countless 12yr olds also ) Is Rey...
All the other admins dont seem to care about a .com. If anybody has ever noticed the SleekServers.Com in my gamename. IF I was trying to steal your members in some stupid ass secret plot to get them to play on my gameserver... ( Which is minigames... ) then I would understand... Meh Whatever...
I have done some talking, alot of people seem to be having problems with Rey and his ness.
The power, I know it can get to you Rey, Just let it go, not on other players. Muting players for simply speaking french then calling them cuntbags? Very cool dude. I know I'm an asshole, but your an admin. Step up to the plate and stop hitting fouls.
Small ANONOMOUS Steam Chat...
8:35 PM - ANONOMOUS: >
8:35 PM - ANONOMOUS: really he's a bit to
8:35 PM - ANONOMOUS: too
8:35 PM - ANONOMOUS: tooo
8:36 PM - ANONOMOUS: whats the word
8:36 PM - ANONOMOUS: I guess full of himself
8:36 PM - ANONOMOUS: is what I was reaching for
I do also apologize for the random "N****rs" I yelled... That was an over reaction...