There is currently a rumor that i was profiteering hacks on the Role Play server. There was one day where Dj Not Nice was paying my 50k back from when I helped buy him an interceptor and i said as a joke thank you for the 50k ill give u the hacks now to see what Scorch would say. When he asked me if I was serious I said no. Ever since then Scorch and apparently other people now think I was really profiteering hacks on the roleplay server. What a joke it is that you actually think I would sell hacks deliberately straight in front of a N/U admin knowing that I was pay a consequence if I really was selling hacks... You can ask any person in the Role play server if I ever sold them hacks and you will truly see I am not guilty of this pathetic excuse of a crime. Please give proof before accusing me of doing something so blantantly false. I have done nothing wrong in N/U servers. The worst I've done is RDM a few times.
Think about it, if I actually had hacks to sell and I was selling them I would take the money I got and buy CSS on a new account and just go back with a new name.
P.S: To Enderless: KAC: sv_consistency violation has nothing to do with having sv_consistency set to 0 you would know if you knew anything about KAC. First problem with your theory: RP has, and always has had sv_consistency set to 1, which even Natalya admits to me. Second: It has to do with inconsistent files and folders especially addons.