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  1. #1
    Kung Fu Master
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    This msg was just posted in our admin section only, but i think it is very important for everyone to read and understand.

    btw, rofl please dont be mad at me for posting this.
    o burrito contacted me over xfire and pretty much tried to get me to go from NU to NA

    he also either lied to me, or was lied to by deuce about the whole money stealing thing, read on:

    cheesey burrito: we need to talk
    cheesey burrito: nm your not there
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: im so here
    cheesey burrito: do you know about ma deuces story??
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: kinda
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: not really
    cheesey burrito: nukum and scribe and sera started playing on my server
    cheesey burrito: people are leaving quickly
    cheesey burrito: with the money your paying for admin there u could get your own server
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: lol, you dont seem to understand why i pay sios for admin
    cheesey burrito: tell me
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: i dont pay him because i want admin and im willing to pay to have it, and god knows i dont want to own another server again, which i have done in the past
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: i pay him because i like NU
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: i like to see it stay running
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: its one of the better servers on the internet
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: ive been playing cs since i was in grade 8
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: its been over 6 years
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: ive seen my fair share of shitty fuckin servers
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: ive played in your server before
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: at least the office unlimited server
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: its okay, but when i was there the admins were mouthing off to everyone and it to be honest
    cheesey burrito: what did u think?
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: it wasnt very enjoyable
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: the server is run and maintained fine
    cheesey burrito: well we fixed that
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: well i might go back and check it out
    cheesey burrito: ask nukum and scribe
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: ive talked to scribe
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: ive talked to him about coming back to NU
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: nothing with your server
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: i just like scribe
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: hes one of my favourite people ive ever met on css
    cheesey burrito: your missing out though
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: missing out on what
    cheesey burrito: u got to figure that out
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: lol
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: i enjoy myself when i play on my dust2 server
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: ive never enjoyed myself more than when i play on my dust2 server
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: except for way back when in grade 10 when i used to play in my own server with all my friends from school
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: but almost all my friends have stopped playing, and im never getting that back
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: now tell me, what do you enjoy more while playing on your server that you enjoyed, or didnt enjoy at NU?
    cheesey burrito: that i will tell u later when the time is right
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: tell me now
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: lol
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: and what happened with deuce?
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: maybe you could enlighten me
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: cause im curious
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: he was funny
    cheesey burrito: chill and read
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: five me something to read
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: give*
    cheesey burrito: ok deuce gave sio money
    cheesey burrito: to put his ads on the website
    cheesey burrito: but sio never did
    cheesey burrito: and took deuces money
    cheesey burrito: which was alot
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: lol
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: i heard about that
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: it was deuces fault though
    cheesey burrito: and deuce says that nus shutting themselves down not him
    cheesey burrito: he tryed to make nu the best
    cheesey burrito: hes rdy to sew them and hang them out to dry
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: sew?
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: sue?
    cheesey burrito: thats y office unlimtied is empty
    cheesey burrito: yes sue
    cheesey burrito: sio and deuce signed a real contract which deuce had
    cheesey burrito: sio stole about half a mill
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: LOL are you fucked?
    cheesey burrito: i am not joking
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: never said you were
    cheesey burrito: ask around
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: but you were lied to
    cheesey burrito: how
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: alright, lets get things straight
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: whether you believe me or not, just listen
    cheesey burrito: get on with it
    ROFLmyWAFFLE: **i said something here that im not sure if some ppl should know about so i wont post it**
    <This user is now offline>

    Now, there are major problems going on right now with our office unlimited server.
    So, I am going to put it all out there for all of to read. Now, remember this is information that i do not need to tell people. I am giving this information out to show you people, because we (N|U) have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of, we run good servers for people to have fun on. End of story.

    1) I am going to start with deuce.
    So, it all started along time ago. Deuce had a scheme to try and make some money, so he had "invented" a "druggy kit" (which had scales, papers, pipe, and other things of that nature) and had asked sio and myself if we would advertise this "invention" on our servers, website, and our motd's. Which in turn he would give us money for ($1000). $500 upfront and $500 when the advertising went up. We graciously said yes, he then sent us $500.00 American to start the deal. After a month or two of not talking/seeing him. I contacted him concerning this issue. He then told me that he got in a fight with his partner at the time, because him being a marine and a business man, he could not be associated with a "druggy kit". So, at that time he told me that his business was not going to get off the ground, so we could keep the first $500.00 as a donation to the servers. We accepted.

    After about 2-5 months went by, he then contacted us concerning another "opportunity" for us to make some money (advertising for companies on our servers, websites, motd's).
    Deuce, went to a certain business to ask if they wanted to advertise on our servers, he got turned down, so he then asked if he could bring another person on to help us get this "advertising" We graciously said yes again.
    So, this is the way it was going to work. myself, sio, deuce, john(some guy) were going to start a business(named jjje, or something to that effect). The only thing sio, and myself wanted was to keep N|U separate from this new business, in case if it fail then we wouldn't have to lose NU. This was fine in the beginning, soon after we got another chance to have a meeting with this same company (July 25th). At or around july 1st,2008 sio, deuce and myself had a meeting to discuss business matters. Deuce then said that he wanted to become owner of NU with sio and myself, we immediately declined his offer, he then got super upset (in which he has apologized many times for since). After that sio and myself didn't want to have anything to do with him, or his new company. He then LOST IT, telling us he was going to sue us for breaking the first agreement(the one where he told me to keep the $500.00). So, that is the complete story on how we ripped off deuce 2392183098 millions dollars.
    If you have any questions, or there is something i didn't explain good enough, please feel free to msg ME (xfire = pasties)

    2) Burrito

    Well this is a easy story
    It all started on office unlimited. Which Burrito used to hbe junior owner of. I was told by many regs that burrito was abusing his admin abilities, and not using them when was appropriate (banning hackers, slaying afks - admin stuff). I confronted burrito about this, and he said it was all true. I then told him to smarten up and do his job or there were going to be repercussions, he agreed. The next day i got a msg from embra saying that burrito was slaying her because she knifed him, I asked burrito if this was true, he said it was not. I then went to siosios to look at the servers logs, and come to find out that he did slay her. I then took his admin for 2 weeks as a punishment for breaking the rules and lying. after the 2 weeks i just gave him his admin back(not junior owner abilities) I told him he had to prove to me that he deserved it back.
    He bugged me everyday, about getting his junior ownership back, I told him not until i see improvement on his admin abilities. which i didn't.
    A week later i witnessed in the server( as i was under an assumed name) burrito not doing his job at all. He was being very harsh to some and super lenient to others. I told him that i was removing his admin for a month ( this was not the only reason he lost his admin, there were others, but it is NU business and no one others). After a couple of days some regs came to me and told me that burrito was recruiting on office unlimited for another office unlimited server called noob asylum. I confronted burrito and he removed me from his friends, I immediately removed his admin. he then got kept recruiting through xfire and steam. He then got others to recruit on office for him as he could not get in (as he was banned). I then banned them as well. I was then contacted by na owner, who was telling me he has hired NU regs to recruit on our servers, so as i saw people do it, I banned them. Then banning all Na admins that played on our servers.

    So, if there are any questions concerning any of what i have spoken to here today, you may contact me xfire = pasties


    Turtletara420: Hahahaha. Pasties Yes Ur the master....always
    Turtletara420: Prob. shouldn't have said that, but yes...Ur the master!!! I bow at ur feet! Oh master how can I serve

  2. #2
    Spontaneous Psychotic Socializer N/U Marine
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    All I'm saying...

    Wait I just need to say a lil more.
    I donno y ppl forget that there's risks when dealing with $$$ online. And then want it bak after they lose it or after they give it away. It doesn't work that way, even in a court, the judge wuld say "then why did u give it to him?" and "mistrial" or something around those lines.
    I'm not taking sides with anyone on this matter, just adding my few cents and facts.
    Last edited by Zaku-x109; 05-12-2011 at 06:16 PM.

  3. #3
    N/U Commando
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    all i got 2 say about this is that there was a lot of shit goin on i dont no the hole thing but its bs & i think its funny that ppl came up 2 me & said stuff about the money thing. and really dont cair at all bc i give my money 4 admin not only bc i wanted admin also bc i played there 4 5yrs & i love every1 in there there like my fam. so if u mess with them u mess with me.

  4. #4


    well I have read everything and it is well understood.i do understand wut is going on with everything by this post and as well being contacted by burrito him self some time ago. he did infact try to recruit in so many word and by trying to elplain to me that N/U is going underground and we r not going to have server anymore every soon. i took it litely. as I explained to burrito there is nothing going to remove me from N/U no matter wut. I do in fact have faith in both sios and pastiez and i do see both of them as really intelligent people that will not let dumb fucks like burrito and other lame shit come onto the servers and try to shut us down. N/U has been up for far too long for some regs and one person to come into the server and recruit.

    Few thing for those who let greed and money get in the way.

    1) burrito: you are fucken stupid and i think if you did care some what about the N/U community you would have stayed and learn to use your admin the right way and understand that junior owner does not put you above the rules. one month and u could not do that, it shows you were not cut out for that position.

    2)NA owner: i think our a dumb ass that thinks you can match up to wut i have seen as the best server on the internet (N/U). Learn how to recruit for your self. you paying people to come onto other servers to recruit for you is really shittie. who says those people wont turn there backs on you? get smart!

    3)back stabbers: as for those who left and decided to brake the rules. I really want to know wut made u do that? was it a rumor/story not told completly? was it the money? wut would make u turn around and do stupid shit like that. from where i stand u all r fucken stupid and u got wut u deserved!

    from where i stand all my time on N/U wut i have seen is the admins/owners/junior owner/ and who ever else, plays a part in makeing all the N/U servers as grate as they are and they do look to improving constantly.

    I myself want to thank pastiez and sios and all other who made N/U servers as fun as they are now. pastiez thanks for bringing this to everyones attents. now those who read ur post will understand wut happend.


  5. #5
    BloodThirsty Pwnerator
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    TYVM for finally filling some of us in on what has been going on with Burrito and Deuce. I have heard many different stories from other players and I am so happy to finally hear the story from someone who was apart of the situation (even though it was not any of business).

    a couple of quick questions

    1. Are we still supposed to ban nA Admins?
    2. Are we supposed ban players with the nA tag?

  6. #6


    All i know is that this is insanity lol. GLad I give my 1 dollar a month to NU. NU ftw!!!!. Pasties and sio got everything in check. Keep up the good work and make good use of my double cheeseburger money w00t.

  7. #7
    Kung Fu Master
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    Oct 2006
    In a box, next to siosios's

    HLStatsX Ranking for STEAM_0:1:4815880
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    Yes, ban all NA admins
    no do not ban people with NA tags unless they are recruiting in our servers. siosios and myself banned many many people from our office unlimited server. I hope most of them know why, some were very innocent and some were not. I am in the next couple of days going to unbanning those who were banned unjustly, for those of you that were banned this way, I sincerely apologize for having to do it, but if you love NU than you can certainly understand why i did so.

    If you feel that you were banned unjustly and i have overlooked you, please feel free to msg me (xfire - pasties)

    Turtletara420: Hahahaha. Pasties Yes Ur the master....always
    Turtletara420: Prob. shouldn't have said that, but yes...Ur the master!!! I bow at ur feet! Oh master how can I serve

  8. #8


    Well since i started playing css the first server i played on was reg office now 5 years later look where n/u is now one of the most popular and sucsessful gaming communitys. Thay started out small and built on in creating a great gaming environment they made it with all the regs in mind all the things that are done to the nu serevrs are done in the best intrest of the regs and thats a fact. NA on the other hand think that they can put a community together in 2-3 months wrong it dose not matter how many servers you have in a community it is the ammount of people that enjoy playing in the servers with out the regs its pointless, NA have what 8 servers now and yet when i have been looking at activity graphs for there servers they are dead around 75% on the time and the max amount of people they have gotten on average in one of there servers is only 14 people, most of there servers are not even used, they think just because thay have alot of servers with all kinds of maps and mods that they will instantly populate them selves then there wrong without the community spirit which n/u has they will NEVER amount to anything bigger when they carnt even get there servers populated they need to offer people admin to encourage them to play there. When i first went in there server all i saw was an admin and x-reg abusing his admin to get what he wanted by slaying people for not going along with what he wanted them to do. The regs how left n/u to play in NA made the mistake of listening to burrito a childish imature person who could bearly run a server let alone a community thinking he could trick people into beliving that n/u had gotten a new server and then burrito getting people to spam the server ip not only in office unlimited but also on the n00b unlimited website. This just shows how pathetic burrito realy is, Ma_deuce is no better telling people that n/u stole form him now if ime right when you say that someone can have something or you give someone something then later on down the line and ask for it back that is not stealing when he gaive the money to both pasties and sio for the community as a donation, so why say they stole form him when he was the one how gaive them the money in the first place.

    I belive this sould be enough said.

  9. #9


    I am behind you 100% in this pastiez. Although I do not play on n/u as much as I used to I still do have the utmost respect for you and the admins, so please keep doing all you can to keep the n/u servers free from harm. I do not know why people would go behind your back like that and recruit your members but it is disheartening to know that people I knew and trusted have fallen away from being apart of this community. In the end though I realize it is their choice (obviously) but some people in the end.. just need to grow up.

    -sHaD <3

  10. #10


    someone should link this to the NA forums so all their regs and admins can read the truth about the whole matter

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