Well after a month or so of CSS break I am back! and ready to do some Jr. Ownering of the CAL server... Except there is no longer any CAL, or any word CAL team. So I was considering just changing the server into a 24/7 De_Maps server. I really liked playing all the diffrent maps, not that I want a ton of custom maps, only good quality stuff that people want to play. Also it would be nice to add FBG or Hlstats to the server. I perfer just FBG, but some people really enjoy ranks. I like the unlimited money, but maybe the awp restriction like D2 should be in effect. I am personally going to get at repopulating this server, now that d2 seems to be making some recovery. I have some local friends who are intrested in playing. So now the rest of you people can give your input or what not. Oh and btw I just noticed that the server doesnt even have its own section on the forums