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  1. #1

    Default Protest

    Hello all people of N/U and N/U players. About a week and a half ago, I was banned Perm. from all N/U servers. And I am here writing this in a protest and a wishful unban. Here is the full, non bull-shit story of how it went. And, ahead of time, I do apologize for my terrible, unruly behavior.

    I believe it was a Friday night last week, and I was scrimming for fun with some word people (some of which I remember are: Cinder, Internal, NoSympathy and someone else). These were not matches of any sort. Just 5 people looking to scrim. So we did. And in one of the matches, I did something I regret and shouldn't have done. Some information before I go on is that Cinder and I were in Raze together a while back, and since then we have always 'fucked' around and messed with eachother. I believe NoSymp and some other word people didnt know this. Continuing... I believe it was around the end of the match, or close to it, where Cinder and I started cussing eachother out and what not. NoSympathy did not know that this was, joking around cussing and arguing, that is how I interpreted it. Then I was kicked from the N/U scrim server and the reason was amoung these lines, "Stop disrespecting my players" I then rejoined the scrim server and guessed the rcon password. Running through my mind at that time was the thought that Cinder had kicked me because I was yelling at him. Once i guessed Rcon, I typed Kick all (the only reason I typed that was because it was close to the end of the match and we were losing anyway, anyother time, i would never do that. Its a dick move). Thankfully, I am a dumbass enough to not know the command to do that, meaning the command 'Kick All' DID NOT WORK. NO ONE WAS KICKED. I then just simply typed rcon kick cinder (cannot remember his full name at the time) and cinder was kicked. All this was ment as a joke, no harm intended, but some people took it serious. Sio found out and then banned me from all servers without hearing my side of the story, so here it is.

    I believe Sio had said that I did not have permission to use rcon, which I agree 100%. But i did guess it, and if I were a dick and ment for harm to any of the N/U servers, I could have done a lot worse. I could have crashed the server or banned everyone at that time. But I would NEVER, never do something like that, its not who I am.
    Concluding, What I did was not so bad, it indeed was a terrible mistake and I admit I was not thinking before I accessed rcon. All I did was kick Cinder, when there could have been a lot worse done. Like I said before, I would never do anything to harm the N/U servers because I have been playing on them ever since I got the game.

    Hopfully I can get another chance and I apologize once again for my intolerable acts. I am sorry to disrespect the N/U Admins, Community, and Owners. I hope that people reading this will see that I made a mistake, and everyone does in their life, we are only human. Another chance is all Im asking, Thanks Everyone.

    S a v o ?

  2. #2


    Hello everyone this is get.down aka shine aka many other names dunno if any1 knows of me but i have been in the n/u community for awhile...i know it was a mistake savo made because we cuddled and cried together after we found out he was teh banned (no homo) anyways i think he should be unbanned because i enjoy his presence and it was a very thoughtful and thorough apology and truly was a mistake

    please i love savo and he loves me back!

  3. #3


    savo is a cool dude, like he said he could of done a lot more when he guessed the rcon password...
    well i'm just an ordinary player in the N/u servers so i don't know if my opinion would really matter, but i would give the guy a chance...

    Free S a v o!!!

  4. #4
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    One of the owners will get back to you.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  5. #5


    that was a really sincere apology and i think he desrves an uban

  6. #6
    BloodThirsty Pwnerator
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    I have played with SAVO in Dust 2 many times and he has always minded the rules and been cool.

  7. #7


    it's up to sio to be honest, although this was a very civil and sincere post. thanks for not raging like the rest of the people who are banned

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by POW
    I have played with SAVO in Dust 2 many times and he has always minded the rules and been cool.
    He was one of the regs on there, and was always mindful of the other players and respected the rules. Plus a pretty good player too.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSympathy
    it's up to sio to be honest, although this was a very civil and sincere post. thanks for not raging like the rest of the people who are banned
    I agree, it did seem sincere and honest and you cant go wrong with that. But it was a pretty bonehead move. I'm sure it was all out of fun/joking gesture, but even with that in mind, you have to remember where you're playing and who's server you are screwing with. It's called the 5 second rule. If you're going to do something you think is dumb or iffy you take 5 seconds to stop and think if what you're doing is worth it. =D

  9. #9
    N/U Jr. Owner Trailor Trash Seraphim's Avatar
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    Oh Savo, Savo, Savo... /facepalm ...that was bad. Don't do that. I hope you take Haze's advice the next time you have the urge to fiddle with stuff not meant to be fiddled with. ^_^

    While, ultimately, it is Sio's decision, I feel he is being sincere... he is a regular of D2, and I've never had any probs with him in the past.

    While I hope everything works out for the best for ya, bud... I also hope you've learned your lesson.

    Experiencing synaptic difficulties, please stand by...

  10. #10


    Savo, wtf were you thinking dude? I admit your post is worthy of reading but do you know how many times a post has been made like that? A plea to come back and when let back in, N|U got screwed in the back. I have always believed in giving people a 2nd chance, but I'm also a Jr. Tech for N|U. So when I see a potential hacker "And you know how we feel about hackers" I can't really say "Awwww give him another chance". If you can get enough people to want you back, then you might get back in. However I STRONGLY URGE you not to do sumthin like this again. People make mistakes and your post shows that your sorry about it. But if your let back in, you will be watched very closely.

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