Lately I've noticed that a few people I know very well on CSS servers, have contacted me numerous times while offline or AFK. I understand the reason behind this need to contact me about issues on a server (mainly n/u's ZombieMod server). So, im going to give you a layout of my day and the times that im usually online and able to assist you to the best of my abilities below.
Monday - Friday
Time: 5:40pm EST - 10/11:35pm EST ~ [*USA*]
Saturday - Sunday
Time: 3:00pm EST(time I wake up) - 4/5:30am EST ~ [*USA*]
Depending on the type of holiday and what my family decides to do im usually on till we leave after im done packing, if not then im on during the whole holiday. So take the same times as if it were "Saturday - Sunday" and extend that til it's half way through 1-2 weeks preferably 1 week because my school system here is pushing for year round school (side note- Bastards *cough*).